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Free H.A.C. Membership beta & being a Giver

Home Page Forums Meet Each Other Free H.A.C. Membership beta & being a Giver

This topic contains 28 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Suzanne Sukhram 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #327

    Remcy Mongrue

    how’s everyone doing. My name is Remcy Mongrue, I’ve been a fan of Sean Mize for some time now. Anyway I am interested in the self-improvement niche and i have created a membership website. Since in Sean’s initial email he said we should “give and take” I was thinking about giving everyone who is interested free access to my membership program. The program is designed to answer the following question (why do people give up on their dreams?) by working on the following areas
    1. Emotional Detachment
    2. Affirmations
    3. Visualization (with music included)
    4. Unique Concentration Exercises
    5. A bunch of other features (live chat,forum,accountability questions,journal etc)
    The membership is designed to give people a “rock-solid mindset” for achieving their goals

    I have been hard at work on refining this membership as it is the first creative idea I have ever had and I actually thought of it thanks to Sean Mize.
    And i have not seen anything like it on the web especially as far as goal achievement is concerned, who ever is interested just hit me up and I’ll create your login details or you can create your own username and password (password must contain numbers or symbols) and I’ll make you a member.

    I am looking for honest feedback and of course I am open to helping anyone with their future business projects.

  • Author
  • #330

    Don Sturgill

    What’s the url, Remcy? I’ll help with feedback.

  • #349

    Norma Allen

    Sounds awesome, Remcy! I would love to participate.

    Norma Esler

    Norma Esler

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  • #362

    Remcy Mongrue

    awesome Don and Norma thank you for your reply appreciate it, well the website is

    just post if you want to create a unique username and password such as

    password: Odysseyy99

    otherwise I’ll create your username and passwords for you, again thanks for your replies

    • #473

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi again Remcy,

      If you will allow me I shall also take a look at your site, tomorrow when I have more time. It will help me with my own research. As you know I am also very interested in the Self Development category.

      I am quite well up on the theory but, as of yet, have not taken decisive action, unlike you.

      You have something set up, which is a lot more than I currently have, so well done to you my friend. Action is all…as they say.

  • #633

    Bruce Hoag

    Sounds quite interesting, Remcy. Count me in.

    I’d like to create my own user name and password.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #635

    Remcy Mongrue

    sorry to ask this but I’m going to need your email addreses to add you to the membership.

    Don, Norma and Leslie. I forgot when I was creating your memberships it wouldn’t let me continue without a proper email address.

    Feel free to make up an email address or use which one suits you best.

    Sorry for that in advance

  • #643

    Remcy Mongrue

    So if everyone could just post the following i would greatly appreciate it : D

    1. Your username (only for people who want
    2. Your password (only for people who want
    3. Your email address (required for membership)

    For those of you who do not want to create a username or password that’s fine I’ll just make your username your first name and your password your last name plus two numbers.

    But I do require an email address for me to create a member

    • #681

      Leslie Leftley


      People may still be wary of providing email details. Now I am not going to open up another email account just for this as I feel we should be able to trust each other within this community. So you can have my email. But any other usernames/passwords, etc should only be discussed by return email from you.

      email: (LEIGHLESLIE@AOL.COM)

  • #688

    Remcy Mongrue

    thank you I had an issue when i first started this membership with people becoming members that i did not know. This was last year
    (It was happening constantly like everyday) and i thought my website was getting hacked, long story short i had to block the registration and activation pages.

    I thought about what you said for some time leslie and i believe I have found a way to circumvent this
    I have created a “secret Sign up” page where everyone can register.

    Try this URl and see if this works

    It should work I just tried it with a test email and it was successful.

    Thank You soooooo much Leslie you just helped me move past a fear that I have had.

    I apologize in advance to everyone who thinks I might be doing this to collect emails. I just wanted to avoid unblocking the registration pages so that problem does not happen again. Well the link is above and it works so if anyone is still interested you can use the link above and register at your pace. Thanks again Leslie

  • #697

    Remcy Mongrue

    oh man leslie, you just helped me kill 2 birds with one stone!!!!

    1st I don’t have to unblock the registration and activation pages
    2nd When I start enrolling members I can just redirect from paypal to the “secret sign up” page.

    I cannot thank you enough leslie if it wasn’t for your comment I would have never thought of this and this is something I was dreading for weeks
    (sometimes membership software can be verrrry complicated)

    Now I’m pumped I am planning a webinar soon and this was one of the “details” i wanted to avoid, well not anymore It’s finally solved, thank you so much man again thank you. anyway for anyone that wants to check out the membership the link is above I eagerly await any comments or suggestions on the training, please be honest what you like about it and what can be improved. and leslie thanks again.

    • #904

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Remcy,

      You are more than welcome! Glad to see I could help.

      I was waiting for an email, from you, but I see you have sorted out your problems.

      I have been snowed under today. It’s past 11 pm now in the UK. But I shall both take a look at your site and create a free membership tomorrow, I promise.

    • #905

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi again Remcy,

      Quick update, the link you offered, got me there, but it did take around 12 seconds to load.

      I successfully completed the signing in, setup process, but after attempting to login I got a message to the effect that my joining status was now pending.

      If my membership has been confirmed by tomorrow I will have a look around.

    • #908

      Leslie Leftley


      Just to let you know I also got an automated email from your site requesting I log in (It went to my spam, but I found it). However I am still locked out and the account is still pending.

      Looks like it’s working to a degree, just a few wrinkles to straighten out to enable a quicker and smoother joining experience.

    • #1180

      Suzanne Sukhram

      Hi Remcy,

      Just curious: what is the difference between the secret signup page and the one you deactivated? The reason I ask is that you said you are going to do a webinar, and plan to redirect people from PayPal to the secret page. Will you then be giving out another page that would link to PayPal and then once they’ve paid, they will go to the secret page? Just trying to understand. 🙂

    • #1225

      Suzanne Sukhram


      I enjoyed reading your tip of the day. There seem to be some formatting issues, though – extra spaces and new paragraphs where they shouldn’t be. You may want to take a look. 🙂

      Also, when someone goes to the secret signup page, their membership level is set to “Admin”. I’m thinking you don’t want your members having admin access. 😉

  • #923

    Remcy Mongrue

    thank you I saw the email that you signed up. Yeah the site is slow I’m going to have wpfixit clean it up.
    I was at work today so I was not home majority of the time.
    on that note I have to approve each member manually I’ll fix that one too
    thank you for your time all should be good and you should be able to login now.

    • #1018

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Remcy,

      I noticed you started the site some time ago and are now revamping it, so to speak. So good for you on that. The site loading times are a problem as you know. Your appear confident on the videos I saw, but just a little preparation work on camera placement, so we can see your full head and shoulders while you are speaking would make it even better. But the more you do the better you will get.

      I shall revisit your site, from time to time, and make more detailed critiques within the comments section of that website, as I feel that is more appropriate for you.

    • #1081

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Remelcy,

      Just to let you know I have left some feedback on your sites content, within the comments section on your site. I hope it helps.

  • #945

    Sean Mize


    great to see you so active getting this going!

    we may have to help you brainstorm a better on-boarding process so folks can subscribe to your membership without posting their email and password here! (that always creates a security risk . . )

    it looks like you are close . . .

    and you might want to consider a professional membership software . . .

    perhaps Members by Justin Tadlock

    I think that might make the whole process easier!


    P.S. anyone who’s posted . . . please edit and delete your email and password from these posts, just for security purposes!!!

    Do you want to learn how to start a coaching program that stabilizes your income and changes lives? If so, visit


    • #1019

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Sean,

      Would that membership plugin work for Preneurpages?

      Or are you building that capability into Preneurpages?

  • #1189

    Bruce Hoag

    Happy to give you an email address, but the point of having a user name and password is so that no one else knows what it is.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1259

    Remcy Mongrue

    thanks everyone for your responses. i’ll try to answer them one by one, This is the link in case anyone missed it

    1. @leslie I read your comments and i do think I’ll make a video with a synopsis of what that week’s training is
    2. @leslie The over arching goal is to help people develop a mindset for achieving their goals using the 4 techniques (I’ll talk about that)
    3. @leslie The intro to emotional detachment with the questions is just for reflection as I believe we have to look at ourselves first
    4. @leslie I didn’t know anyone could hear the candy I’ll reshoot it like you said and in the upcoming webinar I explain how all 4 techniques are needed in developing a “rock solid mindset” for goal achievement. the other weeks dive deeper into certain aspects of the 4 techniques
    5.@suzanne Yes i had a problem in the past where i had to block the registration page because i kept running into unwanted members, Yes i will have paypal setup so that they go to paypal first and then are redirected to the signup page
    6.@suzanne i’ll look into that I am trying to create kind of a content site, maybe I’ll change it to a tip of the week instead
    7 @Bruce yeah I’m still a noob I went about this all wrong i should have just put the secret sign up page since the beginning that way no one has to post their e-mail address but i was not thinking about it at the time. The link is above so it won’t be an issue
    8@Sean yep my fault that’s fixed the link on my post will take them to the sign up page where they can sign up and create their usernames/passwords again i apologize I wasn’t thinking about it at the time
    9@suzanne I think you signed up, you should’ve had an email, it might be in the spam folder though, but you should be able to login now,
    I was at work today so I didn’t have time to respond until I came home. yeah the admin thing is just a test i’ll change it later

    Wow that’s a lot of writing anyway thanks to everyone who has helped me in this process so far. I am taking it one step a a time and appreciate all the feedback. thanks again everyone

    • #1282

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Remcy, (Apologies I have referred to you as Remelcy in earlier posts)

      Looks like you are learning more each day, and heading in the right direction.

      It’s refreshing to know a young and eager entrepreneur, like yourself, can take on board constructive criticism, learn from it, and move forward with greater wisdom.

  • #1309

    Bruce Hoag

    Hi Remcy.

    What does H.A.C. mean?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1322

    Remcy Mongrue

    H.A.C. stands for High achievement Club.It’s the name of the membership. My overall goal is to help people develop a “rock-solid mindset” for achieving their goals. I’ll make a video on it and post in in the membership area later today but i don’t want people to have the following regret at the end of their life

    “i wish i lived a life true to myself instead of what others expected of me”

  • #1331

    Bruce Hoag

    You need to make that clear somewhere on your home page, I think, Remcy.

    The reason I say that is because it seems to feature as something that’s really important.

    Thing is that even when you click on the H.A.C. link, you’re still not told what it means.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1334

    Remcy Mongrue

    You may be unto something there. I shortened it just to make space but perhaps underneath the tab I will put High achievement club with some info on what the program is. i just finished a video on the intro week 1 training and what to expect. I’ll be uploading it soon so people get a better view on what to expect from each weeks training.

  • #1336

    Suzanne Sukhram

    I agree with Bruce about the acronym. The name needs to be spelled out, and preferably on the front page.

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