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Master Mind Type Of Group

Home Page Forums Meet Each Other Master Mind Type Of Group

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Scott Hogue 7 years, 2 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #356

    Scott Hogue

    I have this half baked idea, that could probably stand a little more baking.

    That we could start a sub-group here that would review and practice what we learn from Sean and each other.

    Here is how I see it with one eye half closed and squinting:

    We make our own business/marketing plans based on a common framework we put together from what we learn from Sean and each other.

    The beginning criteria would be:
    1. I want to help people and change the world in some positive way.
    2. My way of helping people is by/through _______.
    3. I am building an internet business doing ______ and I will be so effective at it I will be well compensated for the good I do.

    The rest would be how we build that business and what it would look like.

    Sean is going to give us a lot of this in training. I just propose we make a common place to use it, not try to supersede it or replace it.

    Traffic would be a module, but traffic might look very different for each of us.

    Presentation would be a module, but how we present our training and our support would surely be different.

    So it might look like this:

    First step: Figure out how you want to help people….(of course a lot of us know that already) and it would look very different for each of us.

    We would come up with a common plan or steps (I know, we have got versions from Sean and made up our own and bought the flavor of the month plan, but reviewing the basics never hurt anyone and as we go on we might be surprised what comes of it) out of that common plan we could outline what each step would look like for us. Share what you want, keep your secrets to yourself.

    I don’t know if this is the right place to post this or if Sean would have objections, but I am not looking at highjacking the forum, but creating a corner where we practice what we learn in the rest of the platform/membership.

    As Sean rolls out topics and trainings, we could discuss them here, work together on them here or maybe in a place Sean sets up.


    Sean, if you think this is disruptive to your overall plan, then just delete, no problems.

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • Author
  • #375

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Scott,

    It’s good to muse, but I personally do not believe the community is currently big enough to begin forming sub groups. We are all, of course, free to network within this group and make arrangements externally.

    But I sincerely believe that Sean meant this to be a group made up of all skill levels. I, for example, would feel a little marooned if the more advanced among us, such as yourself, started to spend more time discussing issues on a business level well above where I am currently at. It does not mean that I would not be able to understand such discussions. I consider myself an intelligent human being. But for all of that, I am a novice when it comes to setting up my own online business, and I would start to feel rushed and pressured into running before I could walk by a self professed elite, already halfway up the ladder to success. I joined this group for its sum value, I did not join to be religated to a second or third division with Sean’s community.

    I hope you don’t find my reply too close minded, I am certainly not that, but it is, I understand, a selfish viewpoint by definition.

  • #386

    Scott Hogue

    I appreciate your reply, but I took it Sean actually wants us to form groups for accountability and sharing.

    Did I misread his post on this topic?

    And maybe I wasn’t clear, but I am suggesting we go back to square one and start together with Sean, so I don’t consider this advanced. Actually it is usually in the basics that we find the most room for improvement.

    I don’t see this as a corner outside of the platform, but just another place to discuss the lessons in Sean’s platform.

    Throw in a little accountability and a pinch of encouragement.

    My fault for not being clear.

    No offence taken.

    Each to their own path and best wishes,

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    • #446

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Scott,

      Maybe it was my misunderstanding. I should have read your original post a little less quickly.

      Yes I agree with the forming of groups and indeed, partnerships for reasons of accountability. That would certainly help me.

      I was only concerned with being isolated. I see now that is the last thing you are suggesting.

      And I also like your back to basic take on Sean. Yes he certainly is that, and long may it be so. We can all learn more by re-visiting our beginning. Some of us will be building a foundation for the first time, whereas others can reinforce and strengthen their own knowledge of the basics, and maybe even learn a thing or two.

  • #435

    Don Sturgill

    I think you’re correct, Scott.

    It’s one thing to be in a group of people.

    It’s another to agree with some of those people to hold one another accountable.

  • #556

    Sean Mize

    Ok, folks, I love the discussion here, and so many great ideas!

    I love the idea of some kind of groups within . . . and we can do that . .

    We can set up a separate sub group section, we can do this in the accountability section, we can do it with a new forum within . . .

    And in fact is one of the things planned, but you folks have gotten to the idea first!

    So I want to confirm . . .we will be adding functionality to do that, but might wait a week or so . . .

    would love to see more participation and grouping in the accountability section . . and see some discussion there of the best ways to work together!

    All told, GREAT idea – let’s brainstorm the best way to implement it so that it’s transparent yet powerful!


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  • #562

    Bruce Hoag

    I mentioned this in another post, but one thing that we need to think about is whether groups should consist of those in the same niche or in different niches.

    There’s no reason why it can’t be both, but each of us will have to decide which type of group we want to be in.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #642

    Bruce Hoag

    Mastermind groups tend to be live, which can create its own problems.

    The one I’m thinking of is time zones.

    If the groups are run asynchronously, then it won’t matter. We all would contribute when it was good for us.

    Some groups will probably want to do them live when they can, while others will be unable because of where the members are.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #686

    Bruce Bauersfeld

    Hello folks, I am intrigued, excited, and perplexed and a little frightened all at the same time.

    I appreciate you all diving into the discussion very much. The idea of group interaction, accountability, and sharing thoughts ideas and experiences is the Intriguing exciting part for me. The concept of transparency I feel is extremely important and the ability for the entire Community to see and or participate as they choose…. based upon their time and talents and experience I feel is extremely important..

    This is an area that I have personally failed to cultivate and or develop in the past and I look forward to participating here in this forum. I believe this is one of the areas that has been holding me back from progressing faster in my business. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. – Bruce

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  • #1025

    Scott Hogue

    Thank you for all of your replies. I am thinking after Sean’s response that we might wait until he adds an area for this as he mentioned.

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

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