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Pledging my commitment to the MODEL

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Julia Rotgers 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #3788

    Tina Fletcher

    I thought I would start showing that I will make myself accountable for taking action – I would love feedback and you to add yours if you like 🙂

    Lesson 2 – The Model – Get Started Fast: Core Implementation Model for Your Online Business

    I Tina Fletcher, am DETERMINED to build a business that helps people earn and income online and teaches them marketing and keeps it simple. This will change lives by allowing people to promote physical products without the complication of creating there own stores and makes me money selling products and help affiliates to do the same.

    I am committed to finally sticking through and not jumping ship when a new bright shiny object comes through, I am committed to pushing this to completion, even when I am tired, angry, sick of it, or anything else that happens.

    I realize how absurd it is that I let doubt and lack of structure hold me back in the past from building a real business that changes lives and makes me an income.

    I am committed to single-mindedly focusing on the task at hand, and not allowing fear, procrastination and frustration to hold me back from my dreams.

    My dream is create a platform that allows people to promote physical products from our various niche website and I do all the back end work to take the overwhelm out if it for them and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve it, even if that means doing MORE than Sean asks.

    I am committed to doing EVERY LESSON in the order Sean gives it. I am committed to staying the course for Core Implementation Model.

    I am committed to making the necessary changes in my thinking, my writing, and my work habits to make this work and achieve my dream.

    I am committed to achieving my dream for once and for all.

    Tina Fletcher

    All things Digital
    For Training
    For Services

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  • Author
  • #3791

    Scott Hogue

    Turning Point

    That is great Tina!

    There is always a turning point that you can look back at and say, “That is where my life changed.”

    I have had an office practice for years and overall, it is a pain.

    The schedule is overloaded, then the schedule is empty.

    This client’s check bounced, that client canceled, those two didn’t show up.

    This client will pay next session for this session, but there is no next session.

    This client can’t pay at all.

    This client came in to stop smoking and now I found out it is crack they are smoking!

    I could go on and on.

    I have wanted to take my practice online for years, but I am so set in my ways, I want to see you, see you breathe, hand you a water bottle and see what happens, read your body language, shake your hand, feel your grip, watch your eyes. I have worked one on one so much in my work, it is foreign to think of any other way. I have done a lot of group work, but still that is different and still in person. So I have been anxious about doing this.

    I have this colleague that does wonderful work online and she studied under the legends and says, “Scott you are great, I would see you if I needed someone and there are only two or three people I would even consider. Get over it. Just do it!”

    Now is the time, this is the place, the boats are on fire.

    best wishes to you and all the rest

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #3809

    Sean Mize


    I applaud you . . .commitment is a big thing, and sometimes it’s easy online to NOT commit . . the online doesn’t feel real . . it’s like a bunch of electrons, people we don’t see . .

    but it IS real –

    and when you make a REAL commitment and then have the discipline to follow through . . .

    You can make a huge difference . .


    Do you want to learn how to start a coaching program that stabilizes your income and changes lives? If so, visit


    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #3811

    Bruce Hoag

    Talk about throwing down the gauntlet!

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #3857

    Julia Rotgers

    Congratulations Tina!

    The pledge is just the beginning, now the real work of keeping yourself on track begins 🙂

    Be sure to reach out if I can be of any assistance to you, I’d be glad to help!

    Your dreams can become your reality when you give it the time you need.

    I was sharing with someone just yesterday about “creating your reality”. A bit woo woo, I know, but here goes….

    The thing is, what you see in your life NOW is only a reflection of what you have thought and done in your PAST.
    It does not have to determine where you go in your future.

    But, you MUST put the energy and effort into TODAY to build what you want if you are going to see it in your future.

    This is where the real effort is. Our present is so “real” so prevalent that it can be difficult to keep bringing yourself back to the “path to the future”.

    The thing is, you have to have a way to keep reminding yourself of where you’re going AND make yourself get back on the path there IF you want to change what you see in your world (in the future).

    Hope this helps.
    Reach out if you need a pep talk – you got this!

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    If You're Ready For a WHOLE NEW WAY of Thinking About Your "Available Time" Click and start finding the time you need to get your business off the ground, even if you time is limited.

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