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This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1412

    Scott Hogue

    I thought I would start this thread on sharing tips and go first with a little thing I do that has helped me be more productive.

    I keep facebook, email and the news all in a separate browser window. That way when I am working online I am not tempted to just click and check. When I take a break I open the other window if I want and limit myself to five minutes. After that I go back to whatever, refilling my tea glass or just back to work.

    What is your tip to share?

    How you come up with topics or some internet trick you learned. Anything that would help someone here.

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

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  • #1450

    Scott Hogue

    Ok, maybe I need to prime the pump.

    Here is another one…

    For something different, try writing your sales letter first with benefits and key points listed and then create your product to fulfill your sales letter.

    It is guaranteed to change how you look at product creation!

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    • #4061

      Mark Rhodes

      Dan Poynter, in his self-publishing manual recommended writing the back page of a physical book first, then writing the book to match. The back page operates as sales copy.


      All About Health And Healing

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  • #1494

    Dejan Cerv

    Maybe this one will help.
    For some tasks, I sometimes use timer. What works best for me is a timer with a 30 min countdown that is shown in the right bottom corner of the screen. I dare to say, that is my most productive time, because it keeps me focused on the current task.

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  • #1565

    Tina Fletcher

    I think one of the best tips I could share being able to quickly duplicate what you do. Have template make up for eBooks creation, social media content, eBook covers, squeeze pages etc. So when you need to create another one you are already part way there with the set up.
    This can also work with one on one coaching i.e. have questionnaire for client and your list of standard question that you then expand on. All of this not only saves time it makes you consistent and that has a huge impact on your day/week and your results.

    All things Digital
    For Training
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  • #1579

    Sean Mize

    Ok, I gotta say this . . I feel like I have more tips and techniques and hacks than anyone . . I use them each day to do 160 hours of work in 20 !

    But can’t for the life of me think of one unless someone asks . .

    maybe ask me about something particular – how I can do it faster, whatever . . .

    Ok, here’s one that comes to mind –

    When I open my email, the first thing I do is tick off every email I don’t want to read . . . spam, lists I’m on, whatever, and just delete them.

    Then I’m down to about 8 emails.

    I read them, respond if necessary, they I can close email till the next email sitting


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  • #1611

    Bruce Hoag

    An easy way to unsubscribe

    Here’s a website you can all use to unsubscribe from all the stuff you’ve signed up for.

    You’ll be amazed at how much there is.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #1618

    Tina Fletcher

    Ha ha Bruce I just found this about a week ago, haven’t used it yet, you have reminded me to check it out 🙂

    All things Digital
    For Training
    For Services

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  • #1643

    Scott Hogue

    If I am going to post a long blog post or put a large document up online, anything I might not want to do over, I write it in a word processor first and save it as I go.

    I can’t tell you how many times I was posting to my blog and the power here blinked or the website locked up or something just messed up and the post was lost.

    I had to decide if I wanted to go to the trouble of recreating it all over again.

    This way I just open the document and there it is to copy and paste.

    Also, if I save these pieces as word documents with names I can go back and draw from them later to recycle, add to them or just use the ideas.

    best to all,
    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

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  • #4094

    I try to get to working on my online business first thing in the morning, when I feel the most productive/creative.

    Diet/exercise – The better I am with eating healthy, the more productive I am. Weird how that works.

    I learned from another IM expert about keeping track of your progress during the day while you work. Almost like a time sheet. Segment your day in 15 minute chunks and write down what you did for each part. That way, you can look back and see if your results reflect the amount of time you put in. If not, you’re almost certainly wasting it on other things (which you can clearly track, if you’re being honest), or don’t have a clear sense of direction during the time you are putting in “working”. I find I don’t need to do this as much anymore, but when I’m being particularly non-productive, it is something I fall back on.

    I also find it helpful to block out my day in my planner, even the time I’m working from home. Like, “1:00-2:00 : Record video #2 for membership site.” Then it’s on my calendar and I want to be able to check it off to say I got it done. I also try to take that time seriously. If it’s written down there, do it…It’s not the time to check Facebook or watch YouTube videos.

    Also, I try (when possible) to plan the following day’s “to do” list the night before. I list everything I can think of, then narrow it down to the top 3 (in order) that I need to get done. After doing those, anything else I can get done on top of that is a bonus.

    I Use Reviews
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    • #4098

      Jan Sandhouse Hurst

      Great tips, Jennifer. I try to do the “to do” list the day before too, when I still remember what they are!

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  • #5017

    Bruce Hoag

    Do you use ad-blockers in your browser?

    If not, then you should.

    For Chrome, use Ad-block and Ad-block Plus.

    You’ll have to check to see what the equivalent is in other browsers.

    Of course, some sites won’t let you look at the content without turning your ad-blocker software off.

    Here’s how you get around that.

    Open an incognito window and paste the URL in the address bar.

    Now you can leave your ad-blockers on for your normal browser use, but still view the content in the site that has ads.

    One site that my clients send me to periodically is BusinessInsider. I just tried the method suggested to see if it worked, and it did.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    1 user thanked author for this post.

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