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Speaking of Coaching…

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Don Sturgill 6 years, 4 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #913

    Don Sturgill

    Has anyone tried out ??

  • Author
  • #915

    Bob Moore

    Truth be told, I’ve not heard of it. Any further insight would be greatly appreciated. I think we’re all interested in anything coaching-related (okay, maybe that’s a bit of an overgeneralization). I know, at least, I am.

    Clarity is something I could definitely use. Looking forward to more info.

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  • #1050

    Don Sturgill

    Bob, it’s a site where coaches can register to offer their services. A coach I know says he’s picked up several new clients from the platform.

  • #1215

    Tina Fletcher

    Bob, I haven’t heard of it either I am going to check it out today.

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  • #1257

    Bob Moore

    Thanks Don. It sounds like something to add to the arsenal. I’ll definitely check it out and let you know. Thanks again for letting us know about it.

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  • #2036

    Malik Ahmad

    I will put this on my weekend to do list as I have not heard of them either.

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  • #5715

    Bruce Hoag

    Have you tried out Clarity since you asked this question, Don?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
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