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What are your best habits?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything What are your best habits?

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Sean Mize 6 years, 11 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #1066

    Bruce Hoag

    When we think about our habits, we usually castigate ourselves for being lazy, or disorganized, or distracted.

    Let’s look at what we know that we do right.

    What would you consider to be your best habits?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • Author
  • #1072

    Bob Moore

    I’m fanatical about sticking to a routine. I do the same things at the same times pretty much every day. Also, I’m all about keeping notes. I write down EVERYTHING. It’s the only way I can stay organized. You’d laugh if you saw my work space.

    I have so many Post-It notes with stuff that I can barely remember what they’re even for. My wife thinks it’s quite humorous.

    That being said, I think being able to focus on a task and seeing it through is one of my best habits.

    I’ll think of others down the road and share them, but that’s my biggest thus far.

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  • #1074

    Bruce Hoag

    I admire your discipline, Bob.

    Post-it notes aren’t a problem because there’s no room for them, but it shows that we share certain similarities. We both want things out where we can see them.

    I keep having to tell myself that everything can’t be on top. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1083

    Norma Allen

    One of the best insights into the development of good habits that I’ve seen came from the book Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance by Jonathan Fields. His theory is that creative people have so much uncertainty in their lives, “Will people buy my product? What if people criticize my work?” etc., that they need rock solid habits in their everyday lives to allow for the uncertainty in their creative lives. Hence people like Steve Jobs and Dean Kamen adopting a uniform of sorts, wearing the same clothes by habit, so they can free their minds for creative thought. Brilliant!!

    That said, all my good business habits are out the window right now due to my uncertain eyeballs (as I recover from recent surgery.)

    I organize in notebooks. I use Post-its but don’t trust them for important things. They fall down behind the furniture etc.

    Have a great week, Friends!

    Norma Esler

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    • #1086

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Norma,

      I think you may have hit on something with your examples of Jobs and Kamen. That Field’s book Sounds like an interesting read. There is a lot of logic to that theory. If I structured my everyday tasks better I would have more time to spend on my business ideas. And less anxiety about silly, insignificant stuff.

      I do hope your eyes are soon back to normal:)

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  • #1088

    Norma Allen

    Thank you, Leslie! The doc says it will take three months to find out how well this last surgery worked. It’s a long recovery process.

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

    • #1092

      Leslie Leftley

      You are welcome Norma,

      You will get there. We are all here to help you and back you up. I sent you a friend request by the way:)

  • #1107

    Bruce Hoag

    I have the book that you’ve suggested, Norma.

    It’s among the dozen or so I’ve bought, but haven’t yet read. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1160

    Norma Allen

    Bruce, I think you’ll enjoy it. It “certainly” helped me understand myself better.

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

  • #1310

    Bruce Hoag

    Love your grammatical humor, Norma. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #3883

    Mark Rhodes

    My best annual habit comes from knowing what I need for grounding: Wilderness. I circle the drain when I don’t get my few wilderness trips each year. Fishing in places where I am disappointed to see any human other than the one I brought with me, for example.

    My best weekly habit is running the 4-mile loop on farm roads. 3-4 times per week is about right.

    My best daily habits center around taking care of family and accomplishing the “one thing” for business.


    All About Health And Healing

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    • #3888

      Bruce Hoag

      What is that “one thing” for business, Mark?

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #3907

      Mark Rhodes

      Discernment is the key. Followed by focus.

      The “one thing” for business is determined each day or set of days. Today’s one thing will be to read and engage more on this forum. I’m picking up the “one thing” topic Sean has mentioned a lot lately (at least in the trainings I have attended).

      Tomorrow’s will be the same.

      The one thing over the weekend will be to solve a technical problem I’v having with moving a web site.


      All About Health And Healing

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    • #3912

      Bruce Hoag

      You would enjoy the book, The One Thing, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

      My one thing – that upon which everything hinges – is . . . wait for it . . . getting to bed on time the night before.

      And I can’t tell you how difficult that is.

      Part of it, I’m sure, is because most of people I interact with online are in the US, and I live in the UK. And the one guy that I chat with in the UK is a night owl. LOL

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3913

      Mark Rhodes

      Yes, Bruce. That book is what inspired my comment…indirectly. It inspired Sean enough to talk about it. Then I read some of the reviews on Amazon. Between Sean and the reviews, the concept found a home in my brain. Ironically, reading it will never make the top of the list as there are too many other “one things.”

      For life habits, bedtime has to be top of the list. My first round of college, I almost always went to bed by 8:30 or 9:00 pm, just when things were accelerating for many others on campus.

      Now after many years, my wife and I still try to get to bed earlyish. My sleep suffered greatly following a series of traumas. It’s taken about 6 years to get back to where early to bed is easy again. Second on the life habits worth pursuing list is eating well. We work very hard at that with great benefits.


      All About Health And Healing

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    • #3916

      Bruce Hoag

      Another book is called Essentialism, by Greg McKeown. Sean put me onto both books, as well as others. (He’s about the only person I’ve ever met who has read more than me, though I don’t read as much now as I would like.)

      Tonight, I was overtaken by events . . . again; for very good reasons, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s 11.30 pm! 😉

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #3889

    Bruce Hoag

    It’s been said that as you get older, time goes faster.

    I have to tell you that if it goes any faster than it does, I won’t have to get up in the morning.

    Instead, I’ll just reset the alarm. 😉

    Speaking of alarms, I tried something today, and it worked.

    I set the alarm for 30 minutes of reading this morning and was absolutely amazed at how fast it went.

    Then I set it for the next activity, and then the next.

    So instead of drifting “comfortably” from one thing to the next, I actually got some work done: a 2100-word article for a client.


    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #5571

    Sean Mize

    One of my best abilities is to lean into something and really focus.

    it’s not so much a habit though, as a choice.

    I don’t have many habits, outside of daily hygiene 🙂

    I do tend to get the things done I want to . . because I want to (or necessity dictates)


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  • #5582

    Julia Rotgers

    Like Sean said above, I feel like this is more a choice than a habit – but habits begin with choice so (splitting hairs??)

    One of my best habits is to create more content than I consume.

    It became all too easy to spend my days reading, attending trainings, watching videos in all-out learning mode.

    And because there was not outflow for all the input I became very stagnant.
    Even tho’ I was learning so much … I couldn’t think of what to write.
    I always has too many ideas in my head to get anything solid started.

    One thing I had noticed is that I had stopped my daily journaling, so I started to write every day again.
    This brought me out of my funk and over time I came to the realization that I was taking in way more than I could process.

    So I started “making something” out of everything I learned.
    For a time I created an article, infographic, email, quote image, etc from every lesson I was taking in.

    Over time it simply developed into the idea of being a content creator rather than a content consumer, and it’s stuck.

    So one of my best habits is to create more content than I consume.
    Put another way – to be a content creator rather than a content consumer.

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    • #5598

      Bruce Hoag

      Great insight, Julia.

      I like the idea of trying to create more content than I consume.

      One thing I’ve noticed is that the more I read, the more I want to write.

      This has been particularly frustrating in the day job because there I’m reading constantly, trying to stay up on what’s happening on the Internet, all the while working with no budget, in a boring industry and where not much can be said about it anyway.

      Add to that the fact that most of our customers don’t search for what they need online . . .

      I’m interested in your practice of journaling.

      A lot of people do it.

      The thing I’ve never been able to understand is how to do it without having to re-read everything in order to find what you want.

      How do you do it?

      This might be a project for Norma. She has a planning product. This sort of thing feels like it could complement her product funnel.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #5727

    Sean Mize

    “Asking myself, ‘what can I do today that delivers value and changes live?'”

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