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What Did You Last Buy?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Rhodes 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #3734

    Scott Hogue

    Just thought I would start a little discussion on what we last bought in IM training in general or from Sean.
    If you want to participate I invite you to tell us a thing or two you bought and why.

    Of course I got my membership for this group. My reasons including being serious about restarting my online business and building it big.
    This weekend I bought Sean’s Kindle Book on article marketing (99 cents plus tax) I wondered if it had anything I hadn’t seen in the training I have from him, but I found a few things and a few step by step outlines so I thought it was well worth the buck. I think article marketing isn’t dead, not as big as it used to be, but not dead and a good way to give you some authority, by linking to your articles on mainstream sites.
    I also ordered his book Anyone Can Coach. I thought I had it on Kindle, but it was another one of his books. It is on Amazon and only available in print format. I intend to add coaching to my platform and figured it would be well worth it to have in print form. I get it tomorrow and hope to be able to read it over the holiday.

    So what’s new with you?

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • Author
  • #3901

    Tina Fletcher

    I bought a new plugin that works with my ecommerce stores. Trying to cut down on spending on “shiny objects” haha 🙂

    All things Digital
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  • #3904

    Dana Cassell

    Picked up a PLR course with videos that I can add to my members area – plus it has info worth my own learning, and it was quite reasonable. I also plan on keeping the buy buttons below the fold this year! So far, deleting lots of emails 🙂

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  • #4066

    Scott Hogue

    Just Bought..

    Just bought Sean’s Cyber Monday special

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    • #4072

      Bob Moore

      I’m with you, Scott. I read that offer and decided to jump on it as well.

      You know it’s good, and the price is ridiculous.

      Extra phenomenal coaching for eight bucks? All day long!

      Talk soon,

      Unlock the key to earning thousands per day. Leads, sales, and profits await. Click here.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #4071

    Bob Moore

    Thanks for bringing this up. It reminds me of a task I need to accomplish. The last thing I consciously remember purchasing is access to this site. I guess it’s time to purge. . .

    I have so many things that auto-renew in PayPal that I can’t keep track of them all.

    Because of this post, I’m going into PP tomorrow and cancelling all those auto-pays that are doing nothing but draining my bank account every month.

    And is it just me, or does it seem those auto-renewals come at the worst possible time each month?! Just curious. . .

    Until later,

    Unlock the key to earning thousands per day. Leads, sales, and profits await. Click here.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #4082

      Scott Hogue

      Since I joined this group I have noticed I hardly ever look at the news. I also noticed that I hardly ever read any of the other marketer’s emails I get. I am more focused on what I am doing here and in my business. I have a few email addresses I use for just signing up to people’s lists, but some of them have leaked over to my main email addresses. I was just thinking about pruning those lists the other day, now that you mention it.

      best to you and all the rest!

      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #4961

    Mark Rhodes

    1. I bought Sean’s Cyber Monday Special, too. Even if everything in it is in PreneurPal somewhere, the organization was worth a few dollars.

    2. Just before that, I bought the Local Directory Script from David Cisneros. I had put together a directory a few years ago with another agenda entirely. This time, I’ll put doctors in, city by city, and include only those I would possibly send my own family to.

    That directory will be a subset of my platform for patients and doctors. I’ll act indirectly as the matchmaker! Doctors I like will get leads, and patients can find local help perhaps.


    All About Health And Healing

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