What do you want to get out of the Sean Mize Community?
This topic contains 21 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by Bruce Hoag 7 years, 4 months ago.
Well, it’s been nearly 48 hours since we launched PreneurPal and I’m personally totally stoked by the involvement by YOU in the Ask Anything Forum (a small part of the dream of PreneurPal). Of course, the plan is many, many more components, but I know from experience if everyone was spread out all over the place on the first day, then momentum wouldn’t happen as fast.
But before we rush into adding components based on what I THINK you want . . . I wanted to slow down, smell some roses, and get YOUR opinion on my next steps . . .
But before we do that . . .
I’m thinking we should really dig into what YOU want out of the Sean Mize Community (or any other community, for that matter)
So . . I was thinking (sometimes dangerous, right?) that maybe a discussion here about what’s important to YOU . . .
You see, I built this after having many conversations with many clients (perhaps even you personally!) and I built it not to just be another forum, and not just to be another “im site” and not just to be another “im membership”
My dream is for it to meet some needs in the marketplace that frankly, I personally see as missing.
I’ll tell you what they are in a moment.
You see, there are many many sites that attempt to be a place where imers can learn what to do, get support, ask questions, form relationships, get coaching, and so on.
I could name a bunch, but I won’t.
You know that ones you know of, and if you think of them you realize each is missing something.
They are either totally spam-ridden, or they are just Q and A and no one has real answers, or they are too expensive (think $97 – $500 a month) or they are just a gossip center, or . . .I could go on and on.
And by the way, no criticism or anything from me.
It’s just a statement of fact about the state of things.
But deep down inside, I really believe there is a need to have something better.
I believe there is a need for a total one-stop shop for everything you need to learn to get to $100k online (why all the secrecy, right??)
I believe there is a need for people to be able to ask real questions about how to do something and not get a spam response, a lame response, someone masqueading as knowing the answer, etc.
I believe there is a real need for people to be able to meet others who have similar needs and band together to brainstorm (many of my clients are in the exact same niches, doing something very similar – and could hugely benefit by connecting).
I believe there are tons of unmet needs that revolve around learning how to get to $100k (or more, or less, the number doesn’t matter, building a real business does), and having the community that actually helps each other grow.
And I believe (call me utopian) that it really can be all in one place, and it really can have all the training needed, and I really believe members can contribute great training, not just the owner, and I really believe people can help people, and I really believe the community can self-monitor itself and keep the trolls out, I really believe it.
But I think that in order to put into place a system that will allow us to make all of those things happen . . .
We have to clearly understand what exactly we want to accomplish.
And I think that starts with knowing what YOU want.
And once we know what YOU want, we can think together about how to make that a reality.
(by the way, sidenote here: If YOU have been thinking about building your own community/membership and wondered how to do it, how to get the momentum going, how to solve the problems, how to brainstorm, how to make it great, I hope you are thinking, wow! what an opportunity to see this happening live, to see Sean working through these things live, not in some backroom, but instead right here live where you can see and learn and be inspired!)
So the first question is this:
What do YOU want from this community?
Perhaps you could list it all out:
You want to learn ________
You want to meet _________
You want to collaborate with ________
You want to have access to _________
You want to _________
So if you would help out . . . why not post below a complete list of what YOU want to get out of the Sean Mize community (or even get out of an ideal community, maybe not mine, but if you list what you would get OUT of an ideal community, then perhaps we can make THIS the ideal community!!!)
Thank you sincerely for being a part of this, for trusting me enough to believe that maybe together we can make this an amazing place where YOUR needs are met!
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