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What do you want to get out of the Sean Mize Community?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything What do you want to get out of the Sean Mize Community?

This topic contains 21 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 7 years, 4 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #767

    Sean Mize

    Well, it’s been nearly 48 hours since we launched PreneurPal and I’m personally totally stoked by the involvement by YOU in the Ask Anything Forum (a small part of the dream of PreneurPal). Of course, the plan is many, many more components, but I know from experience if everyone was spread out all over the place on the first day, then momentum wouldn’t happen as fast.

    But before we rush into adding components based on what I THINK you want . . . I wanted to slow down, smell some roses, and get YOUR opinion on my next steps . . .

    But before we do that . . .

    I’m thinking we should really dig into what YOU want out of the Sean Mize Community (or any other community, for that matter)

    So . . I was thinking (sometimes dangerous, right?) that maybe a discussion here about what’s important to YOU . . .

    You see, I built this after having many conversations with many clients (perhaps even you personally!) and I built it not to just be another forum, and not just to be another “im site” and not just to be another “im membership”

    My dream is for it to meet some needs in the marketplace that frankly, I personally see as missing.

    I’ll tell you what they are in a moment.

    You see, there are many many sites that attempt to be a place where imers can learn what to do, get support, ask questions, form relationships, get coaching, and so on.

    I could name a bunch, but I won’t.

    You know that ones you know of, and if you think of them you realize each is missing something.

    They are either totally spam-ridden, or they are just Q and A and no one has real answers, or they are too expensive (think $97 – $500 a month) or they are just a gossip center, or . . .I could go on and on.

    And by the way, no criticism or anything from me.

    It’s just a statement of fact about the state of things.

    But deep down inside, I really believe there is a need to have something better.

    I believe there is a need for a total one-stop shop for everything you need to learn to get to $100k online (why all the secrecy, right??)

    I believe there is a need for people to be able to ask real questions about how to do something and not get a spam response, a lame response, someone masqueading as knowing the answer, etc.

    I believe there is a real need for people to be able to meet others who have similar needs and band together to brainstorm (many of my clients are in the exact same niches, doing something very similar – and could hugely benefit by connecting).

    I believe there are tons of unmet needs that revolve around learning how to get to $100k (or more, or less, the number doesn’t matter, building a real business does), and having the community that actually helps each other grow.

    And I believe (call me utopian) that it really can be all in one place, and it really can have all the training needed, and I really believe members can contribute great training, not just the owner, and I really believe people can help people, and I really believe the community can self-monitor itself and keep the trolls out, I really believe it.

    But I think that in order to put into place a system that will allow us to make all of those things happen . . .

    We have to clearly understand what exactly we want to accomplish.

    And I think that starts with knowing what YOU want.

    And once we know what YOU want, we can think together about how to make that a reality.

    (by the way, sidenote here: If YOU have been thinking about building your own community/membership and wondered how to do it, how to get the momentum going, how to solve the problems, how to brainstorm, how to make it great, I hope you are thinking, wow! what an opportunity to see this happening live, to see Sean working through these things live, not in some backroom, but instead right here live where you can see and learn and be inspired!)

    So the first question is this:

    What do YOU want from this community?

    Perhaps you could list it all out:

    You want to learn ________

    You want to meet _________

    You want to collaborate with ________

    You want to have access to _________

    You want to _________

    So if you would help out . . . why not post below a complete list of what YOU want to get out of the Sean Mize community (or even get out of an ideal community, maybe not mine, but if you list what you would get OUT of an ideal community, then perhaps we can make THIS the ideal community!!!)

    Thank you sincerely for being a part of this, for trusting me enough to believe that maybe together we can make this an amazing place where YOUR needs are met!


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  • Author
  • #774

    Don Sturgill

    I want to learn more about topics related to creating and selling products online.

    I want to meet folks who I can partner with down the road.

    I want to collaborate with those who have expertise above mine or in areas I’m lousy at (example: design).

    I want to have access to Sean’s input on my ideas and decisions.

    I want to pick a personal project and focus on it for at least six months.

  • #784

    Carol Bremner

    I want to learn better calls to action. I am great at creating products but terrible about selling.
    I want to meet folks who might be interested in done for you training products in future (new project I haven’t started yet and will be gathering women who have expertise in various topics, both personal and business to help create these)
    I want to collaborate with others who have a heart to help low income women to thrive, personally and professionally
    I want to have access to topics that marketers would be interested in purchasing as training materials
    I want to start creating and selling done for you training and eventually gathering a team of low income women to work with me

  • #786

    Steve Allen

    Great way to build the community. Thank you Sean.

    I want to learn what business models work the best for others and why.

    I want to meet other people who are working through similar issues as I am in the online world.

    I want to collaborate with people who are as willing to help others with their expertise as I am.

    I want to have access to Sean’s and other Community members’ critique and ideas for what I have online now and how it should be changed.

    I want to grow my business and watch others in the group grow theirs as we all implement what we learn from Sean and each other.

    If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

    To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

  • #791

    Doria Musaga

    I want to learn how to build my internet marketing business. This is a total switch from what I have done until now so the learning curve is a little long but I am not one to give up.

    I want to meet like-minded individuals who are in business but also understand that business should be part of “life.” Therefore, we should be in the business of helping others while helping ourselves. Otherwise, it is all for naught.

    I want to collaborate with I will gladly collaborate with anyone who finds that my message resonates with them.

    I want to have access to information that will help me grow and achieve my goal.

    I want to make a huge, positive difference in the world before my time here is up.

    Thank you for asking.

  • #792

    Dana Cassell

    I want to share opinions on squeeze pages, forms, surveys, page layouts, and the like in order to make sure none of us miss anything and end up with the best possible elements.

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  • #794

    Susan Parnaby

    My first problem is that I either need a better monitor or better eyes. I am finding grey text on a white background hard to read because of the lack of contrast. Black on white is fine but this grey is a strain and creates a stressful experience. Maybe my eyes are aging faster than the rest of me.


    God's Lily is "a voice for those frustrated by the slow progress towards a fair society where the needs of the weakest are met in a way that it strengthens them rather than weakens them further" . If that includes you then hop on over and have a look around. If you like what you see it would be a good idea to sign up to receive our blog broadcasts. Oh and you will get a couple of pdf files that explain the what and why behind the site when

  • #796

    Kristin VanTilburg


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  • #798

    Bruce Hoag

    What I want to learn

    There’s a certain irony in this question.

    That’s because many of us have a propensity to learn and to keep on learning, but somehow never quite get around to implementing.

    As a result, we’ve been exhorted, even admonished, to stop learning and start doing. LOL

    That said, there are two things that I want to learn in particular:

    The first is what I’m missing. I can’t help feeling that even if I did everything I knew how to do that the most important things still haven’t sunk in. I feel tantalizingly close, but not there.

    The second thing is that I want to learn how to find the people that I can help the most. You know, Sean, better than me what my strengths are; but for one reason or another, I haven’t been able to connect with the right audience.

    Some of that certainly has been the result of changing niches a few times; but I think that there’s more to it than that.

    Who I want to meet.

    I like to spend time with people who are really smart, and so if I was in a mastermind group, for example, I’d want to be with the sharpest tools in the box.

    Who I want to collaborate with

    The people I most like to collaborate with are those with whom I can create joint projects.

    That’s much easier said than done.

    It’s about finding those who need what I have and who have what I need.

    I prefer to have part of a pie, rather than 100% of no pie.

    I want to have access to . . .

    Not something that I’d thought about.

    I want to . . .

    Build a business that frees me from the day job and enables me to live where I want to and manage my time the way I want to.

    I also want to help as many people as I can inside and outside of this group.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #805

    Susan Parnaby

    One of the things you rarely hear about in the IM world is accessibility. My issue of text colour is a minor issue compared to the problems others have. The strange thing is one of the hardest web pages I can remember reading was created by someone who was deaf and blind. They used a variety of assistive technologies. It was hard because being blind they had no concept of white space. Everything was packed together with few if any gaps. There were no images and the text was not broken up by using text that look so different.

    I know that on one of the Facebook groups where I am likely to find an audience includes at least one blind person. Again and again they ask people who post images to include a description of it in the post so that they can hear it read out to them.

    I am not saying go all out and use the strict compliance rules that publically funded websites are forced to abide by. That would be too great a burden but there are some things that can be done that don’t put unnecessary obstacles in people’s paths. Things like be aware of colour contrasts for older folks and others who see colours differently to ourselves. Adding alt text as a way of helping those who use assistive readers rather than using it as an seo tactic. Making it easy to navigate round a site.

    In other words, usability or accessibilty reviews would be useful.

    “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:14


    P.S. Is that the first scripture reference on this site?

    God's Lily is "a voice for those frustrated by the slow progress towards a fair society where the needs of the weakest are met in a way that it strengthens them rather than weakens them further" . If that includes you then hop on over and have a look around. If you like what you see it would be a good idea to sign up to receive our blog broadcasts. Oh and you will get a couple of pdf files that explain the what and why behind the site when

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #806

    I want to learn how to make a lot of money so that I can help as many other people as possible do the same.

    I want to meet others in business who might know some things that I do not so that I have as much information as possible for my own business.

    I want to collaborate with others with the same goals that I have who could potentially offer me new ideas and innovations for my business.

    I want to have access to the greatest training in existence for my business and all the people who are implementing such training and talking about it.

    I want to be a wildly successful and independent entrepreneur who changes the world as we know it.

    ♥ Coach Claire

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  • #808

    Scott Hogue

    This is long and rambling, if you don’t like long and rambling, then this is your cue to pass…

    You open yourself up to criticism and nay-sayers when you make your goals public, but I am not concerned about that like I used to be.

    I am going to lay it out there, with a little explanation.
    I feel I have to explain it a little or people will just think I am conceited or have a ridiculous opinion of what I can do or even that I worship money.

    I am going to tell you things I haven’t told my wife.

    Before anyone throws stones, let me preface this by asking you that are reading this a question…
    How many people do you want to help in this world? One? A hundred? Just enough to pay the bills?

    My grandfather said, “Money can do a lot of good in the hands of a good person. There is never enough good done, so there is never enough money.”-Truman Hogue

    I have heard him say it a hundred times. He died in 1984 and I can still hear him say it.

    That belief and mindset drove him to wealth and enabled him to help a lot of people, a lot of people.

    One day I told him I wanted to be that good person he talked about, the person he was.

    What do I want from this group, community, project?
    I don’t want to just take, I want to give too, but since you asked.

    I want to learn how to help more people, a lot more people.
    I want the satisfaction of knowing I did.
    I want my retirement, including family, Africa and World projects funded from what I do with what I learn.
    I want to be exposed to like minded people that by daily association keep me interested, active and focused on my goals.
    I want a source of information and help that I can turn to when I am stuck.
    I want to learn from people that are succeeding so I don’t waste too much time reinventing the wheel.

    I want to make a million dollar a year internet product/coaching business.
    That may not be within your ability to believe, but it is within mine.

    When I lost my job twenty years ago I started my own business and I sold over $300,000 in candy, potato chips, cookies, crackers and food out of a two car garage the first year. Not all profit, but not bad. My own mother had said, Scott you are crazy thinking you are going to feed your family selling cookies, do you think you are the Girl Scouts? The next year I was the Keebler food distributor for middle Tennessee and I was making more than enough just off the cookies to feed my family.

    I have paid off well over a half million dollars in debt since then. After the first half million, I don’t count it like I used to.

    I have had one wife die and of no fault of her own leave me with crushing medical debts, a drunk driver hit my current wife and my daughter nearly killing them, my wife now won’t have another pain free day in her life short of a miracle, after a year she got to where she could walk some. After plastic surgery, a lot of counseling and our help with her going back to school for a career in medicine, the daughter is doing well, but still needs help with the children, especially the girl with medical problems. I actually think all of my daughter’s medical treatment and the help she got made her want to work in medicine to help others. I have a granddaughter born with birth defects. I started six orphanage centers in Africa and they still count on me and no matter what I try I can’t find anyone that says they want to take that responsibility off my hands. I have a great nephew that has Down’s syndrome and I want him to have everything he needs.

    I could go on all day, but no one would want to read it.

    I have to dream big. Little dreams won’t pay the bills around here.

    If you aim for the stars, you may not reach them, but you won’t come back with a handful of mud.

    What if it takes five years? That beats never.

    What if I never get past a half a million a year?
    Beats just paying the light bill.

    I know a woman that had two children and a run away husband. She once struggled to pay the bills, now she is a millionaire.

    She said, “Once your obsession is as big as your goal you can have it.”

    I am working on my obsession and looking for people that want to work together on theirs with me and let Sean shine us a light to walk by.

    I was looking for something that would do what this community can do when I read the offer. If that isn’t providence it sure is convenient.

    You asked what do I want from this community, I want this community to be the launching pad for a million dollar a year business.

    With the number of people here, why not a number of million dollar a year businesses?

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #820

    Julia Rotgers

    The biggest thing I’m looking for in a community is related or complimentary services to collaborate with.

    I’m thinking cross-promotion, packaging products together and being able to offer more than we can on our own.

    Similar to what you see with the large JV’ers but on a smaller scale, simply because many of us don’t have active lists of 1000’s.

    In this way, you might add a product of a community member that’s getting started as a bonus.
    This gives more value to your people and gets the new product out in front of your subscribers.

    As the African Proverb says;

    “If you want to travel quickly, go alone. If you want to travel far, go together.”

    Having a type of team behind the scenes to look things over, click through all links and see where the user experience might need to be improved would be helpful.

    You just don’t see it all and sometimes it was “fixed” but not saved or you missed it all together and you don’t know until it’s been an issue.

    I would also like to be in a group where most people see the glass half full.
    Where the culture is to keep moving forward (My kid brain goes back to the movie Meet The Robinsons 2007).

    If people are going to grow they have to feel like they are in a safe place to share, no matter what the level of learning and growth.

    I’ve been in paid forums where members don’t always play nice, and while I know it’s not easy to keep people playing nicely together I ran an offline group for local merchants and often had to tell people to leave their issues at the door so I know it can be done.

    I think it starts with defining the culture of the group. What are we all really here for?

    Being able to introduce ourselves through our profiles can help get to know each other and let other members in on what we are here to do.

    Lastly – then I’ll get off the stage – The best forum I was ever a part of was a paid forum that celebrated taking action more than anything else.

    We often had countdowns together where we checked in with each other for 3, 15 or 30 days to see if things got done.
    It was fun and added some outside pressure because people were looking at whether or not you finished on time.

    Yes, it’s accountability but it was also camaraderie and as we cheered each other on it built trust.
    If you’re shy or not the first one to jump in, seeing it’s a safe place to grow can make all the difference.

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  • #834

    Willie Armit

    I would like to get a sense of achievement from the Sean Mize Community. Achievement to the extent that I can sit down in front of a laptop and build a complete IM system that brings in cash (even when I’m sleeping!). This would give me an achievement that I have been chasing for sometime. With this achievement I would gain the self confidence and go forth and readily give out my knowledge to others who are seeking to achieve high goals within the IM industry.
    Being able to know that I am of a good enough standard in the IM trade and to feel an air of self satisfaction that I can without hesitation be able to build a profitable website with my great IM products on offer would be a lifetime high on my World Wide Web journey.

    Willie Armit

  • #866

    Bob Moore

    I want to learn how to build and maintain a sustainable business and have clarity and focus.

    I want to meet like-minded people with whom I can share ideas and form partnerships.

    I want to collaborate with people who are successful and goal-oriented and who can help me move my business forward.

    I want to have access to tools and resources that can help me establish my business and my presence.

    I want to help people and change as many lives as possible. Even one is a start.

    Great exercise. It made me think about some things I’d never really pondered before.

    Unlock the key to earning thousands per day. Leads, sales, and profits await. Click here.

  • #876

    Elaine Guinn

    What do I want? Hm-m-m-m…

    I want to learn exactly how to expand my current business into a stable, comprehensive membership platform that my list can join to gain valuable information and tools to build THEIR business. So… it’s going to be great to watch this site grow and mature.

    I want to meet people who will keep me accountable. I seem to have a lot of distractions and obligations that undermine my focus.

    I want to collaborate with people who are familiar with the challenges network marketers (MLMers) face. That’s the niche I’m appealing to.

    I want to have access to not only step-by-step training in order to build my membership site, but access to someone who can walk me through the technical stuff. That’s where I usually give up.

    I want to make 100K per year so that I can not only become financially secure, but I have the resources to really help others accomplish their goals. If I can do it, I can teach my friends, family and my list how to do it, too.

    Thanks everyone!

  • #896

    Tina Fletcher

    I think the biggest thing I want to learn is what to do now.
    I have been working for over 15 years as a web developer and graphic designer and another 10 years before that as just a graphic designer. I LOVE tech I love working out how to do things and making design and tech come together. I will spend hours doing something that I was told couldn’t be done i.e. plugins working together etc.

    I have done business coaching but it’s not for me. I have created some courses, but I am struggling simply because I see all the variable of things that you could also do, and things may go wrong. I want to give all this information as well and have found two things 1. that most people just want the quick how to not dig deep and 2. I will keep adding to the course and never promote it because I think there is more to add.

    This bring me to my current problem of where to go business wise …. do I keep struggling to make courses or go back to design work? Would people be interested in done for you packages (I do set up and they then fill in information) i.e. package with website, email campaigns, membership area etc. etc. Maybe I could make a standard setup with 3 themes, 2 email campaign choices, recommended plugins etc. That way I could duplicate many components to keep the price down. Or do I go onto something totally different?

    So, to answer Sean questions…
    I want to learn where to take my focus to create a sustainable business for now and in the future
    I want to meet interesting and fun people that are passionate about working online
    I want to collaborate with people that love working for themselves but get how amazing it would be to have someone to bounce ideas off
    I want to have access to a community of people wanting to learn
    I want to continue to make money online, but grow an expandable business model that helps people with the tech side of being online (I think?) 😊
    Love anyone’s thoughts!!

    I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. Thomas A. Edison

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  • #942

    Sean Mize

    Wow! I’m really excited as I read what folks are looking for here . . . and I’m seeing good ideas, I’m seeing excitement about this being a launchpad for YOUR business and helping others . . and this is all very exciting to me!

    I am hearing a lot of folks say things that indicate you are ready and willing to give in order to get, and am especially excited when I see folks talking about helping others, and making it their goal to help others!

    And I have discovered that although helping others, alone, doesn’t result in income always, it certainly sets the foundation to be able to:

    1) Create a trust and respect in YOU so that when it’s time for someone to invest . . . they think of you first

    2) It gives you a foundation of trust to create paid options so that you are helping on 2 levels: for free and for a fee.

    I hope many others will post what they are looking to get out of this Community . . and if you haven’t, would you?


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  • #981

    Leslie Leftley

    Personally I would just like to solidify my ideas into reality.

    Set up a world class website, a hub, if you will, for people to visit, learn and massively improve their own mindsets and self worth.

    To do the above, I am willing to critique others work within this community and give advice and support whenever I can, in exchange for the same from others within the group.

    I wish to gain confidence by doing, instead of just thinking and dreaming.

    I wish to turn the inspiration I get from others within the community into decisive personal actions of my own, to propel my embryonic business forward and into brilliant fruition.

    Finally I would like, by helping many many others around the planet, financial rewards enough to enable my family and I to live the life we all truly deserve and never again having to worry about keeping a roof over our heads or how on earth to pay the next car repair bill.

  • #1001

    Gregory Bey

    I want to see this community succeed. It is something that is very much needed.

    I would like to thank Sean for undertaking this one-of-a-kind project.

    Gregory Bey

  • #1006

    Melody Wilhelm

    I want to create a one-stop shop for people who want to have a happy relationship.
    I want to create the go-to website for people looking for advice, coaching, information, or simply new ideas for their relationships.
    I want to travel and work from wherever our fifth wheel happens to stop.
    I want time and money freedom while helping people leave their baggage at the curb and create a happy couple.

  • #1317

    Bruce Hoag

    Tina, I’ve mentioned this elsewhere in the forum, but it seems particularly relevant for you.

    In business circles, there is what is called core business and non-core business.

    Core business is what your clients pay you for.

    Non-core business is everything else, e.g. overheads.

    You need to focus on your core business and, from what you’ve said, that sounds very much to me like graphic designing.

    It’s what you love, and it’s what your customers love about you.

    If you have ideas for products, then it seems to me that you could outsource the creation of them – at least the initial stages – and then put the finishing touches on yourself.

    And then, who knows? Maybe you’d make them available as an affiliate product, or put them on Udemy or something similar.

    How does that sound to you?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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