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What dollar amount was your very first income online?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything What dollar amount was your very first income online?

This topic contains 17 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Dana Cassell 7 years, 1 month ago.

  • Creator
  • #396

    I always love to hear about the very first time a person made money online. I made my first $20+ from an affiliate product on ClickBank back in 2012, but because it didn’t reach their pay out threshold, ClickBank stole my entire commission! Isn’t that so terrible? Nothing could have been more discouraging for a newbie. I was so discouraged, that I completely gave up on the idea that I could ever make any money online without already having a substantial amount of money to start with. It hasn’t been until now that I have dared to try again…

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  • Author
  • #399

    Don Sturgill

    2006. My first blog. I included links in some of my articles and pulled in about $150 the first month. I was amazed that one could actually “make money online.”

  • #405

    Scott Hogue

    I didn’t even make a dollar, I think it was 38 cents or something. I had written an Amazon Kindle book.

    I had sold physical merchandise before and made hundreds of dollars, but the first intellectual property I think I made something like 38 cents on during the first pay period.

    Later I figured out how to promote the book and did much better, but “the put it on Amazon and they will come” model didn’t work for me.

    I also found that if I quit promoting the book my sales would drop off. Makes sense now, so the jumpstart method didn’t work either.

    I found out that set it and forget it only applied to slow cookers!

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
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  • #551

    Elaine Guinn

    In September 2002, my daughter and I started the business I run now… selling online and offline publications to a niche market of small business owners in network marketing. (She’s since gone on to become a paralegal and works in law enforcement now. I’m the writer, graphic artist and entrepreneur in the family.)

    While all of our competitors in the field were selling printed materials, we decided to offer only electronic publications.

    Even though, at that time, we paid someone to build our website, and we weren’t exactly sure what we were doing, we had a beginning list because of our years working in the niche.

    So we marketed our “Grand Opening” and actually sold over $500 in electronic newsletter subscriptions the very first day.

    Several years later, because of customer demand, we added printed newsletters to our product list.

    Over time, my business has become stale. I am trying to update my websites, marketing and expand my list… inject new life into my business.

    I am just grateful that I still am able to run the business, and… that it was successful from the beginning. Some things just work out…


  • #616

    Bruce Hoag

    I got 10 bucks each for my first articles.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #619

    Jan Sandhouse Hurst

    $200 for an info product on the Warrior Forum.

  • #769

    Steve Allen

    My wife died of cancer and being a researcher I found (afterward) what she should have done instead of what we did. I put that in an ebook and built an html site (it was before WordPress) and sold the book for $17. I made my first sale and then promoted it and made some more. Since then I’ve just kept at it and it’s grown.
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  • #2543

    Malik Ahmad

    My first money came from eBay, selling SMC ( specialty Merchandise Corporation) products in 1996 I believe, it was just before PayPal’s founding.

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  • #2547

    Tina Fletcher

    for website design $1500
    For and digital product sold 5 x 37 first day of testing

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  • #3566

    Bob Moore

    I remember it distinctly. I received an email notification that I had made $27 for a public domain product I was promoting as an affiliate. It was back in the day when I was doing article marketing quite heavily. Truth be told, I couldn’t even tell you what year it was.

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  • #3569

    Sean Mize

    That first sale is what hooked me!

    I had an idea, wrote an ebook, had a site built and waited . . .

    and once that first sale came in – while I was sleeping if my memory serves me right . . .

    for $15.95 I was hooked.

    This is what went through my mind:

    Ok, I just made $15.95 while I was sleeping.


    I don’t know anyone who does that.

    This is cool.

    How many more $15.95s can I make while sleeping?

    How many people are in the world?




    I totally forgot about the 2 months of 50 hour weeks to write the book and get everything going . . .

    but I realized that for any set amount of time I spent CREATING something

    as long as people wanted it

    I could sell limitlessly while I sleep!

    That first sale changed my life!


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  • #3613

    Yvonne A Jones

    My first income online was a check from Clickbank in 2009 for $101+.
    I was promoting a product for Type 2 diabetes and it took a few
    months to meet the $100 threshold. I kept a copy of that check in my
    office until I moved back to Jamaica in 2015. I may still have it in
    a box somewhere.

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  • #3864

    Julia Rotgers

    My first digital paycheck, so to speak was for around $600.

    I was in a group that was learning to coach on a specific topic and many of them were struggling to get started online.

    I offered to coach them for 6 weeks to do what I had already done and just broke down my monthly rate ($97/month at the time)
    to a weekly rate and charged them all $149 for the 6 weeks.

    50% of the group took me up on it 🙂

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  • #3875

    Mine was for something like $17, selling an affiliate product off Clickbank on a website that redirected to the offer.

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  • #4959

    Mark Rhodes


    My first online sale was sublingual B12 vitamins. About a month after I opened the site in 2001. I sent them to a paint store owner in New York City.

    The gross was a little over $200. My cost to purchase the product and to send the package was about $110 or a little more. Happy me.

    That man continued to buy supplements from me to the tune of $1000+ per month until about 2012. Net $400-500 per month, just from him. Recurring happy me.


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  • #4966

    Sean Mize

    So here’s a crazy question . . I’m seeing so many great stories here . . but when I look at what folks are struggling with now, it’s like the “magic” is gone . . .

    What would it take to get that excitement back that happened with the first sale memory?


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    • #4974

      Dana Cassell

      Probably regular sales, Sean, even if small, rather than the single one that set it off in the beginning when everything – even the internet – was new. So we’re back to the daily tasks to make that happen.

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  • #4970

    Bruce Hoag

    For me, I was so jaded by the time I made my first sale, that it had no effect whatsoever.

    I suspect that the excitement would arrive, or come back, when there was a steady stream.

    You said yourself, Sean, that the first month you made (I forget that exact amount) about $150. The next month it doubled. Then it doubled or trebled again. And each month was bigger than the previous month.

    Results like that would put magic into the lives of most people.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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