What Is Your New Year's Resolution?
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This topic contains 19 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Scott Hogue 7 years, 1 month ago.
December 7, 2017 at 7:19 am #4963
What is your new year’s resolution?
I intend to follow Sean’s advice and record an hour a week. I may not be able to do it every week, but 40-50 new recordings are bound to make a difference in my business.
I started yesterday answering a question a day on my website and added an “Ask Scott” button.
Some people don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but I think they are missing a great opportunity and a good excuse to make positive changes in their lives.
So what is it for you? One thing or a list?
Happy early new year!
Scott Hogue CChH
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December 7, 2017 at 12:49 pm #4964
I’ve pretty much stopped making New Year’s resolutions.
For one thing, January 1st or 2nd is just another day. Why wait until then to make a change?
Another reason is that the beginning of the year may not be the best time to do it. Did you know, for example, that the best time to start a diet is in May? That’s probably because it’s when the weather warms up sufficiently for people to start getting outside again.
A third reason is that, for me anyway, it creates an added psychological pressure. Some people thrive on that sort of thing. I’m not one of them.
So what I try to do is to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for the change I want to make, and then start chipping away at it. By chipping away, I mean taking small manageable steps. Collectively, they build up momentum, and if it can be maintained for a couple of months, then a new habit is formed and the rest pretty much takes care of itself.
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy4 users thanked author for this post.
December 8, 2017 at 9:17 am #4995
Of course you have to do what works for you, but I don’t like to let an opportunity pass me by.
I had a fair practice as a life coach and Christian hypnotist at one time before I started promoting a counseling center and I used a marketing calendar. New Year’s resolutions brought them in, then relationships for Valentine’s day, etc. Match your bait with what they are biting or go fishless they say.
I personally like the idea of a new year and a new start. So many times we fail the first time we try something, so if it isn’t parachute jumping, try again until you succeed.
Scott Hogue CChH
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December 8, 2017 at 12:40 pm #5000
I see what you mean, Scott. I just know that for myself that it’s possible to wait when I shouldn’t and to put too much emphasis on some future date.
The goal is to achieve the resolution, if I can put it like that. For me, that means creating an environment that makes it the most likely to happen.
I also don’t like to “see in the New Year,” as so many others do. To me, it’s a big let down, and staying up that late just makes it harder to do anything the next day.
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy1 user thanked author for this post.
December 8, 2017 at 9:23 am #4996
Adding one here I plan on spending 30 minutes a day on my body starting next year.
With all of these surgeries this year I have had so many restrictions against lifting and exertion, not to mention medications and such, I have found it has taken a toll on me. Laying around, I have picked up about 10 pounds this year in comfort food.
So exercise, planning diet and nutrition, I actually am thinking about returning to the body work part of Kung Fu that I studied and practiced in my youth those long years ago. I can say I was never as fit as when I took Kung Fu classes three times a week, but I was younger then too.
Now does this have anything to do with business and internet marketing?
I learned long ago that everything is connected to everything.
Would better health, more energy, feeling better about you and your body be something that would help you in life? In business? To be more creative?
I think so,
Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
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December 8, 2017 at 12:41 pm #5001
The book Willpower, by Baumeister and Tierney, comes to mind.
In it, I think they say that changing or becoming more disciplined in one area tends to spill over into others.
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy
December 8, 2017 at 2:11 pm #5006
I also no longer make New Year’s resolutions,. I have a horrible track record with New Year’s resolutions. I start out hard but around a month or so nothing.
Now I just start something and focus on getting to the two week mark. They say, it only takes two weeks for something to become a habit and that seems to ring true with me.
December 8, 2017 at 2:24 pm #5007
Two weeks? That’s the shortest time I’ve ever heard. LOL
Actually, it’s 66 days, according to the research.
Maybe you just learn faster than the rest of us, Malik. 😉
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy
December 8, 2017 at 2:55 pm #5008
Bruce and Malik:
you are both right.
averages are rarely accurate for any human.
Some people can make things a habit in 2 weeks, like Malik!
Others need 200 days.
Both are likely outliers, the average person being perhaps around the 70 day mark like you said, Bruce.
But one thing we have to be careful of is that when we strive for the average . . . we hit the average 🙂
Sometimes it’s too easy to be swayed by averages . . . .
And remarkable people say, what do I want to do, even if it means I buck the average . .
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December 8, 2017 at 8:09 pm #5022
Personally guys I’m with Bruce and Malik on New Year resolutions. They have become media lead and media driven, particulars in the weigh loss category.
But Hey Scott whatever works for you. For me any day is a good day to start on the path toward a goal.
Resolutions also tend to put false deadlines in front of you, with little or no bad consequences if you fail. Because if you fail in January 2018 there is always January 2019…Right???
As for habit forming timetables. I have also read about the 60 to 70 day timeline as Sean and Bruce have mentioned, but, again, it depends on how hard wired the habit, you are trying to quit, has become within your own psyche.
December 8, 2017 at 9:12 pm #5030
Here is exactly an example of how my marketing never works out like I expect, the three people so far that have actually commented directly on What Is Your New Year’s Resolution have “not doing New Year’s resolutions” as their resolutions. Sean’s comments were about habits and he didn’t touch on New Year’s resolutions directly.
I would have thought the title What Is Your New Year’s Resolution would have drawn people that made New Year’s resolutions and their comments would be about the things they resolved to do.
Which is why you simply must test everything…
😉Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
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December 9, 2017 at 12:20 pm #5036
My Thoughts and Approach
Here is the problem, you decide to go to the gym for the first time in years, you kill it the first day and then in the morning it kills you. You can hardly get out of bed, the heck with that and you quit.
So, to get to thirty daily minutes of work on my body (exercise, sports, diet, nutrition) for a guy that has had a couple of years of health problems and a few surgeries this year, I am playing around with fifteen days of ten minutes and fifteen days of twenty minutes, by February I can bump it up to thirty minutes.
Steady state is hard to maintain, if you aren’t growing, you are dying back, in my addiction work we had a saying, you are either doing recovery or you are doing relapse. So in this example I will be moving forward for thirty days with the goals on the calendar. NASA found the brain rewires in about 26-30 days with the upside down glasses experiment (NASA Crazy Glasses and Habits), which I happen to think is the best example of making a new brain pathway and a hard wired change. With enough emotion and consequences we can change behavior instantly, but for it to be hard wired takes some time.
If anyone here should be considering making New Year’s resolutions, what baby steps that are so small it would be hard to beg off and let yourself off the hook and not do that you can progressively take on the way to your goal?
Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
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December 13, 2017 at 1:34 pm #5069
I always find that the start of a new year energizes me, so I do take time to plan and review my goals for the new year.
I think it’s the presence of my family and friends at Christmas that gives me the support and inspiration I need to face the new year with hope and confidence.
That said, I do best when I revisit my goals regularly and readjust as needed.
As for 2018? Still finalizing my goals… I’ll get back to you! 🙂
Norma Esler
Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at normaesler.com.
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December 19, 2017 at 12:01 am #5220
January 1st is always a let down for me. Has been that way for as long as I can remember.
Hate staying up late just to “see in the New Year.”
I’m also reminded more forcefully of all that I failed to do, and I don’t need that.
So while some find the New Year to be a motivator, I’d rather that we didn’t make anything of it at all.
Maybe we could have 840 months. That’s 70 x 12 months. Then a year would cover a lifetime.
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy-
December 29, 2017 at 9:11 am #5267
Bruce, I hope this next week will be a positive time for you. Think of all the people you have helped and encouraged right here at PreneurPal.
Stay thankful and encouraged, my friend!
Norma Esler
Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at normaesler.com.
Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!1 user thanked author for this post.
December 24, 2017 at 7:44 am #5259
New Year's Resolution Update
I made the resolution to devote thirty minutes a day to my body. Remembering the old saying “If you ignore your health it will go away…”
Turns out that P90X3 is a thirty minute a day program.
Tony Horton is pretty close to my age, but I am not close to him in fitness.
It is hard to believe that he was in poor physical condition even in his 40’s and only gave up alcohol in his 40’s and started to focus on his life, including his health and fitness.
I saw an interview of him and he said in his 40’s he was broke financially and physically, but finally decided to do something about it and the money and the health came together as a package.
If you want to solve a problem, focus on the solution and work on it!
bestScott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
http://www.threestepstowealth.comThe thread on this group that explains it:
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January 23, 2018 at 5:31 pm #5463
Well, Scott, this is much less of a resolution and more of a determination.
I’ve gradually realized over the past few months that I need to create more mental space.
It’s not so much that I’m running from pillar to post and back again as the fact that I couldn’t get on top of my schedule.
You may have read elsewhere that the thing I need to do more than anything else is get to bed by 9:30 pm. (It’s nearly 10:30 right now, and I started in that direction more than an hour ago.)
Soon after the New Year, I got a virus and, while it’s much better, I’m still not over it. This is the third week. So there’s the day job, nights when sleep has been short, and then fatigue during and after the day job.
I know that you’ve been through a lot more than I have lately, but I think that you’ll understand how events can simply overtake your best intentions.
So my immediate goals are to get well, catch up on some outstanding work, update some other things, and then open the marketing floodgates. A number of people are waiting to do things for me, and I’ve told them to hold back until I’m ready.
Thanks for listening.
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy1 user thanked author for this post.
January 24, 2018 at 8:59 am #5472
Bruce, I think you are on track here. I also think we often neglect the goose that lays the golden eggs, in this case us, ourselves.
If we want to perform our best, be it physically or creatively we must take care of ourselves physically and emotionally.
I am wearing tracker watches and bands now to find some areas to improve. I didn’t think I was sleeping deep enough, but found that I do sleep deeply, but not really long enough.
I am turning off some of the device notifications that go off early in the morning and may be lightening my sleep, going to bed just a bit earlier since my best sleep seems to come early, setting a watch alarm to notify me I have an hour left to eat so I won’t be eating late at night. Just starting, but I already think I can see an improvement.
Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
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January 24, 2018 at 4:12 pm #5496
I’m with you on the sleep.
I get a better quality of sleep in the eight hours between 9:30 pm and 5:30 am than any other period in the 24.
Is this your experience, too?
Bruce Hoag PhD
The Internet Marketing Psychologist
The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy-
January 24, 2018 at 11:41 pm #5503
Yes. To answer in general.
There is an old saying that an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight.
I am inclined to agree with that.
If I should go to bed at 9 pm (the wife away or what not) I usually wake up at 4 or 5 and reasonably refreshed. Unfortunately I may not be home by 9 pm or finished with my work. The wife is a bit of a night owl and if I am to see her I have to stay up. She is an at home movie and popcorn girl. Also keeps the Hallmark Channel going…
2 3mg Melatonin tablets improves the quality of sleep in the early part of my sleep period and seems to increase the total number of deep/light cycles, but not total sleep time.
I have been thinking of trying time released.I take benadryl at times for allergies and for the first few days it increases depth of sleep in the later part of the sleep period and total sleep time, but it soon loses its affect and late studies indicate it may not be as safe as we originally thought.
I use this app at times, https://www.noisli.com/ for background sounds to help me sleep. I don’t have much trouble going to sleep ususally, but it helps me stay asleep.
Eating late lightens the sleep cycles, I have set two alarms now, one for delaying my breakfast and another to give me an hour to be done with supper. I can’t say yet it improves my sleep greatly, just prevents problems.
Like a lot of things I am sure sleep is a pretty personal thing and different in many ways for different people.
I was using Sleep as Android for my sleep app with my smart watch, but lately I have a fitness tracker that has its own app I am using. Sleep as Android makes observations and suggestions, can wake you when you are in light sleep near the time you set for alarm, can wake with nature sounds, graphs your sleep, can record sounds such as snoring or sleep apnea for you to review, has a lot of functions and takes a bit of time to figure out.
Wishing you the best,
Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
http://www.threestepstowealth.comThe thread on this group that explains it:
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