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What lead magnets do you use?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything What lead magnets do you use?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Rhodes 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #5115

    Mark Rhodes


    Over 17 years, my best one that produced immediate success has been a link to “FREE Phone Call.” The link goes to a page with my phone number and further encouragement to call. For the first 7 or 8 years, it said “20-Minute” call. After talking it over with one of my chiropractor friends, he thought I was giving too much. So I changed it to “Short” call on the link. Both work about the same. I get really sick people calling me, and I convert well over half into clients. The others get a listening ear, some loving, and hope, even if they don’t become clients.


    All About Health And Healing

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    • #5138

      Donna Merrill

      That’s a great technique, Mark, and effective because it gives real value to people.

      It tells them you really care vs. “here’s an ebook… good luck”

      I’m thinking of using a similar approach in conjunction with FB ads… lead magnet “report” that offers free phone/Skype consult. Only a thought at the moment, though… implementation is the only way I’ll ever see how effective it is, right?

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  • #5131

    Malik Ahmad

    I have used several lead magnets including ebooks, short reports, cheat sheets, and videos.

    A training that I did with Sean mentioned free consultations. I wonder how well they converted, I am glad to see you having success with this method Mark.

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    • #5142

      Mark Rhodes

      My patients truly are desperate. Not literally bleeding at the neck, but almost beyond hope often. They have exhausted local conventional medical help, alternative doctors, and often traveled long distances. They have spent a fortune and are still sick.

      I give them hope on that first call.

      All About Health And Healing

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