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What would make your day a success?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything What would make your day a success?


This topic contains 26 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Sean Mize 6 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #1617

    Tina Fletcher

    Simple achieve the goals that I set for the day 🙂 I have daily task, weekly etc but its when you meet the goals (usually something a little out of comfort zone) that makes it a success.

    All things Digital
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    • #1620

      Bruce Hoag

      Would you be willing to share specifically one of your goals?

      I ask because I want people to see what everyone else is working on.

      We need to help people not to feel so isolated and knowing that other people are working on things that are the same or similar to what we’re doing will increase the sense of community.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #1689

      Tina Fletcher

      Next weeks Goals-
      1. Create a new course and get it ready for promotion the next week.
      2. Create a new business platform where the above course will be the first course
      3. Keep promoting existing products (different niche)

      Do you want me to break it down into daily goals?

      All things Digital
      For Training
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    • #1710

      Bruce Hoag

      Yes. Let’s see what you’re daily goals look like, and how much time you estimate it will take you to achieve each one.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1672

    Malik Ahmad

    I like to see projects that I under took a while ago and almost forgot about start bearing fruit. Ex: A bump in website traffic and you have no idea where it came from until you do a little research.

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  • #1681

    Sean Mize


    for each day, it’s usually one big task . . .

    for example, today my first goal was to add the innovation membership training to the site, clear up some of the confusion, and make the main page easier to navigate.

    This week of course has bee unique, as I don’t normally launch a new site and membership . . . and this one’s been in the planning for a long time, finally have all the pieces together to position to make a big splash on the im world . .


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    • #1711

      Bruce Hoag

      Sean, pull back the curtain, and let us see some of what went in to making PreneurPal.

      When did you first realize that something like this was needed?

      How much time did you spend deciding what features were needed, and what wasn’t working in the other forums that you’d seen?

      How much time did you spend learning how to set up PreneurPal?

      And how much time do you now spend rolling out the new features?

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1734

    Sean Mize

    Bruce asked:

    When did you first realize that something like this was needed?

    my answer: 5 or so years ago

    How much time did you spend deciding what features were needed, and what wasn’t working in the other forums that you’d seen?

    hundreds if not thousands of hours

    How much time did you spend learning how to set up PreneurPal?

    I’ve been learning the features for several years, so to put them all in one place, maybe only 20 hours

    And how much time do you now spend rolling out the new features?

    This week I’ve spent 30-40 hours here 🙂 building and writing and updating and testing and uploading and deleting and fixing and listening and making changes and listening to feedback.

    And it’s only 1/10 done . . the core components should have been done this week . . but I never thought I would spend 30-40 hours this week just getting the Community going!



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  • #1736

    Bruce Hoag


    Thanks for sharing these details.

    It helps all of us to understand what it takes to create something that changes lives.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1940

    Bob Moore

    Accomplishing at least one of my goals — getting a squeeze page set up, adding an email to my sequence, getting a new subscriber, making a sale, etc., etc.

    I would say anything that moves my business forward is a success. Reading email, watching a tutorial video, or anything similar — not so much.

    Anything I can do that can be perceived as changing a life is a success.

    Unlock the key to earning thousands per day. Leads, sales, and profits await. Click here.

  • #1966

    Bruce Hoag

    How do you measure success, Bob?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #2000

    Scott Hogue

    I dream of taking my laptop, my tea thermos cup, a notebook with my favorite pen and going to a motel where no one knows I am there and working maybe 48 hours on a project without interruption.

    It sounds so sinfully delicious!

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

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    • #2009

      Bruce Hoag

      I prefer coffee shops to motels.

      I once lived in a small hotel room for six months.

      Felt a bit jaded after that. 😉

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #2012

      Scott Hogue

      I don’t drink coffee. The wife hates it. She can smell it on me if I meet someone at a coffee shop.

      I had a boss that would go to a motel room every year about this time of year and close out the year reports and do the next year planning and then would be ready for the end of year meeting where the executives got their bonuses and pink slips. They had a three day retreat where they would pass out awards, review and then work on the next year goals.

      I had to do my planning and work in an office in the factory. Interruptions galore.

      A study says that it takes about 12 to 16 minutes to get back to the level of productivity you were in before you were interrupted and that they measured on average an interruption about every 6 minutes.

      Which means you can’t be as productive at work as away. Which is why I left and never looked back 😉

      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

    • #2016

      Bruce Hoag

      I read that it was 20 minutes to get back to where you started before the interruption.

      On that basis, it would only take two per hour throughout the day for you to get to the end and say, “I didn’t get anything done!”

      But the same thing happens when you (not you, personally) interrupt others.

      If you have a “day job,” then anytime you interrupt someone else, it will take him/her 20 minutes to get back up to speed.

      Something to think about it you’re a manager.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #2046

    Sean Mize

    And my own opinion is, once you get interrupted x times in a day (different for each person) you hit a personal limit where you can NEVER get back on task . . .

    and keep in mind, most strong work is deep work . . .

    and deep work . . .once interrupted, often CANNOT be gotten back the same day!

    so not only do interruptions hurt when you are doing routine work . .

    but if you are doing deep work, or work in a “flow” – even one interruption can kill productivity for the DAY

    That’s why I do my deep work before my wife awakes or at the coffee shop.

    Even the sound of a sneeze can push me off target.

    But if it happens at a coffeeshop – it’s easy to ignore, it’s background noise, I’m not monitoring the world for any cares, there’s no urgency or responsibility to say ” bless you” and start a conversation . .

    Protect your deep time and your flow time!

    Schedule it, work your schedule for it!

    You only get 1-3 or 4 chances per day, then you need to sleep to reset


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  • #2049

    Bruce Hoag

    That’s so true, Sean.

    In the day job, I do all marketing writing online.

    My desk used to be in the main office area.

    It seems that everyone in this industry is deaf.

    The three Dutch guys that own the company talk so loud you can hear them a half a mile away.

    Sometimes it’s in English, but there’s also a lot of Dutch.

    And the customers are deaf, and so are the guys who do the construction.

    I eventually had to have a chat with the Managing Director to tell him that there was so much noise up there that often all I an do is sit, do nothing, and wait for everyone to leave.

    He was very understanding.

    Now I’m in an office by myself.

    When no one is around, it’s quiet, almost like a library, except there are no books. 🙁

    That changed last week.

    Now there’s all manner of sawing, grinding, and banging going on.

    Thinking of getting noise cancelling headphones, too.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #4137

      Mark Rhodes

      Even just earbuds with no audio seem to work for me. They dampen the noise, yes. But there is also something soothing that is accomplished and allows me to really focus.

      Kind of like a baby sucking a thumb.


      All About Health And Healing

    • #4142

      Bruce Hoag

      When I was a kid, my parents put some blue stuff on my thumb that didn’t taste very nice.

      You should try it. 😉

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #4158

      Mark Rhodes

      It takes about two days to get all the blue color out of your ears. 🙂

      All About Health And Healing

    • #4179

      Bruce Hoag


      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #4945

    Sean Mize


    I think you have discovered the world’s shortest post!

    Not sure if I should clap or what!

    I want to restart this thread a bit for folks, and ask anyone reading this the same question, let’s start this fresh:

    TODAY – what is the one thing you can do that will make your business smoother or more powerful – TODAY?

    And if you do that ONE THING – are you closer to your BIG GOAL in your business?


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  • #5424

    Sean Mize

    Yesterday: I released the new functionality, Member Tutorials, and that made the day a success!

    and had a great chat with someone who really stretched my mind on some capacity issues, while my wife and friend were skiing . .

    plus I still got to get a few bump runs in afterwards!

    And have a long talk with a good friend about a crisis he’s going through . . .

    That made for a great day yesterday!

    Today, I have 5 scheduled consults or classes, so hoping at least 5 people’s lives will be changed today!


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  • #5427

    Yvonne A Jones

    Knowing that I brought value to at least one person and help them to experience a
    breakthrough in something that was stopping them from moving forward. It could be
    personal or could be business.

    For example, In business it may be a limiting belief or it may be a lack of systems in their
    business that keep them stuck and prevent them from moving forward. When the person
    gets supported and tells me the difference it has made, and the actions they’ll take,
    that makes makes the day a success for me.

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  • #5484

    Sean Mize

    Today: Excited that I fixed an error in the new Member Tutorials Component where the Author’s name wasn’t showing.

    And hoping that within a day or so I can add editing feature to the Component!

    Thanks for trying it and helping!


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