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Who's in for the Gratitude Challenge?

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This topic contains 35 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 7 years ago.

  • Creator
  • #412

    Joe Martin

    One thing I’ve done over the years is periodically run a 10 day Gratitude challenge. I’ve shared the idea with others and the results have been positive every single time.

    How it works is simple:

    1) 1st thing every morning for the next 10 days, write down 10 things you have to be grateful for. Don’t write the same things every day.

    It can be as simple as having shoes on your feet to something more. It’s wide open. No limits.

    IMPORTANT: Do this 1st thing BEFORE starting your day, before opening your email, or visiting the daily news.

    This piece is critical, as you must start your day with an “Attitude of Gratitude” for the next 10 days.

    2) Rinse and repeat for the next 10 days.

    3) If so inclined, feel free to share your list in this thread.

    I guarantee this will make a difference in your life, your productivity and your attitude.

    It has in mine and countless others.

    Who’s in?

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  • Author
  • #431

    Diana Frame


    I’m IN! I’ve started doing this several times but haven’t stuck with it. It’s something I believe in and want to focus more on. So here goes:
    I’m grateful:
    1. that I live in a safe community
    2. that my daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild
    3. that I wake up in a warm home every day
    4. for having a supportive spouse
    5. that my children are healthy
    6. that I am healthy
    7. that I have the flexibility to pursue my dream of having an online business
    8. that I have found this community of like-minded people
    9. that I have food on the table every day
    10. that I have freedom

    Thanks, Joe, for reminding me how important this daily exercise is!

  • #450

    Joe Martin

    Awesome Diana!! You’re the best!

    You’re most welcome and Thanks for posting!

  • #454

    Don Sturgill

    Good stuff, Joe. I give thanks every morning in prayer, but haven’t written a list in a while.

  • #458

    Kristin VanTilburg

    Love this idea, Joe!

    What I am appreciating in my life right now:

    1. The warmth of the sun on my face.
    2. The beautiful fall colors in the leaves.
    3. Fresh, cool mornings.
    4. The taste of coffee with a touch of cream.
    5. The enjoyment of a warm shower and being clean.
    6. The opportunity to meet new friends here.
    7. The joy of shared intention to create and prosper together.
    8. The excitement of learning new things.
    9. The pleasure of eating good food.
    10. The pleasure of being able to set my own schedule.

    Kristin van Tilburg
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  • #506

    Joe Martin

    Thanks Kristin. You’re Awesome! I love your list!

  • #509

    Joe Martin

    Don, it made a big difference for me to write it down on paper and to do it first thing in the morning before all the chaos defocused me, sometimes negatively.

  • #542

    I’m in! I will start tomorrow morning. I need to more actively embrace the beauty of my life!

    ♥ Coach Claire

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  • #547

    Bruce Hoag

    I adopted something like this a few years ago, except it was three things; not 10.

    Ten things for 10 days is actually more difficult than it sounds; but three things every day for a month or more is harder. It was for me anyway.

    Even so, it’s essential to be grateful for what you have and to name some of those things every day.

    You can rest assured that there are a lot of people in the world who don’t have them.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #584

    Norma Allen

    Great idea, Joe! Gratitude goes a long way toward taking the edge off of any negatives that occur during any given day.

    Norma Esler

    Norma Esler

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  • #587

    Don Sturgill

    Here’s 10 …

    – grateful for this group and Sean’s hard work on our behalf
    – for a loving Father
    – for the perfect wife 🙂
    – for the perfect children 🙂
    – for the ability to work from home
    – for my clients and their trust in me
    – for living in Oregon, USA
    – for shelter and food
    – for my health
    – for a vibrant Church family

  • #732

    Diana Frame

    Day 2 – I’m grateful for:

    seeing the beautiful fall colors of the leaves
    being able to have lunch with my daughter yesterday
    having time to spend with friends
    warm weather
    my cup of hot matcha green tea
    living in a neighborhood where I can safely take daily walks
    being able to work from home today
    being able to help friends with their wedding plans
    my son still valuing my opinion
    my daughter having a healthy pregnancy

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • #736

    Norma Allen

    So thankful for a new day today and a chance to make a difference. I’m part of a meeting later this evening to plan fund raising for a plumber friend who is going to Zambia to work on wells, etc. at the hospital/nursing school complex where he and his wife worked as missionaries years ago. She was director of the nursing school So thankful to have such amazing people in my life!

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
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  • #737


    The 10 Things I am Grateful for:
    (off the top of my head, first thing in the morning)

    1. My husband, Dean Wayne Boyd
    2. My life
    3. My teeth [This just came out of the air – no idea where it came from!]
    4. Our house
    5. Our city, Augusta
    6. Georgia
    7. Sean Mize – for empowering me
    8. Our dog, Dixie
    9. My spiritual practice
    10. My daddy – I love you, forever!

    ♥ Coach Claire

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  • #793

    Joe Martin

    DAY ONE: 11/03/17: 10 things I’m grateful for..

    1. To be alive
    2. To be healthy
    3. To be clean and sober another day (23 yrs +)
    4. To have a loving wife
    5. To have a source of income
    6. To have lost 20 pounds
    7. To have gotten if my diabetic meds
    8. To have met the people in this group
    9. For Sean Mizes direction
    10. To have 3 healthy dogs

  • #802

    Bruce Hoag

    I’m grateful for a job that pays the bills and leaves me enough to save a little besides.

    I’m thankful for a car, a roof over my head, a warm, dry, and quiet place to live.

    I’m thankful for physical, mental, and emotional health, clothes that fit, clean water, and close friends.

    I’m thankful for a church where the Bible is faithfully preached Sunday by Sunday, where prayer meetings and house groups are important, and where love is shown in spades.

    I’m thankful for my Bible, access to outstanding Christian books, and the desire to read and to meditate.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #935

    Joe Martin

    DAY TWO – 11/04/17 10 things I’m grateful for

    1. My home
    2. My ability to make income
    3. My car
    4. My family
    5. My eyesight
    6. My business knowledge
    7. My writing ability
    8. My voice
    9. My ability to walk
    10. My God

  • #938

    Diana Frame

    Day Three – 11/4/17
    Good morning! I’m grateful:

    for time spent with good friends
    for the birds that gather around my feeder
    for the unseasonably warm weather
    for my education
    for my home
    for my car
    for my step-grandsons
    for my country
    for my internet access
    for my health

    Have a wonderful day!

  • #1045

    Joe Martin

    DAY 4 – 11/5/17 – Good morning. I’m grateful for…

    1. My grandchildren
    2. Fast internet
    3. Having money in the bank
    4. Being able to pay my bills
    5. Food on the table
    6. Having transportation I own
    7. Knowing Happiness is a Product of Forgiveness
    8. Being clean and sober (I thank God daily for this one) – 23 yrs
    9. For my freedom
    10. I no longer have to carry the ball and chains of resentment and have allowed myself to experience the peace & serenity I deserve

    Thanks to all who are participating! I hope its making a difference for you. 🙂

  • #1052

    Diana Frame

    Day 4 – 11/5/17 Good morning! I’m grateful:

    For the abundance in my life
    For the clean water I have available
    For the food in my fridge
    For the nice clothes I have
    For the paths available in my town where I can walk daily
    For my stepdaughters
    For my happiness
    For my determination to succeed
    For being born in the US
    For being able to pay my bills

  • #1080

    Joe Martin

    Day 5 – 11/6/17 – 10 Things I’m Grateful For

    1. Being alive
    2. Smartphone technology
    3. Great weather
    4. Positive attitude
    5. I never gave up
    6. Vets who take care of my dogs when needed
    7. Beautiful trees
    8. Every sunset I’ve ever seen
    9. Ability to help others
    10. I can be real self always

  • #1084

    Diana Frame

    Good Morning! Day 5 11/5/17 10 Things I’m Grateful for:

    To be alive
    The freedom to choose to stay home today
    The chance to be outside in the fresh air
    The Sirius XM Beatles channel in my car
    The heat in my home
    Having money in the bank
    Being chosen to help plan my friends’ wedding
    The great architecture in my city
    My ability to write
    My daughter’s healthy pregnancy

  • #1291

    Diana Frame

    Good morning! Day 6 11/7/17

    I’m grateful:
    For warm clothes to wear on this chilly morning
    For my home staying dry during recent flooding in my area
    For being able to go out for dinner with friends
    For being able to communicate with anyone, anywhere
    For the help everyone is giving in this group
    For laughter and happiness in my life
    For my son-in-law
    For all the things I’m learning to help my business grow
    For being able to get a good night’s sleep
    For waking up another day in good health

  • #1390

    Diana Frame

    Good Morning! Day 7 11/8/17

    I’m grateful:

    For the sunshine
    For my warm bed
    For my many clothes
    For my morning Starbucks
    For my safety
    For my friendly neighbors
    For the changing seasons
    For Facetime with 2 little “adopted grandaughters” in Louisiana
    For a hot shower
    For the squirrels that run along my fence every day

    Have a wonderful day!

  • #1509

    Diana Frame

    Good Morning! Day 8 11/9/17

    I’m grateful:

    For waking up to another beautiful day
    For getting paid to write
    For sticking with this challenge
    For my beautiful remodeled kitchen
    For my determination
    For being able to travel freely
    For curbing my spending on IM products
    For the workers who pick up our leaves
    For Sean working to make this forum a great place
    For having the time to learn and work toward building a business

    Have a wonderful day!

  • #1635

    Diana Frame

    Good morning! Day 9 11/10/17

    I’m grateful:

    For veterans everywhere
    For my father and brother who served our country
    For my son-in-law’s service to this country
    For my freedom
    For waking up to another beautiful day
    For my weekly night out with friends
    For the beautiful mum still blooming in my backyard
    For my supportive and generous husband
    For my daughter’s positive doctors visit
    For my community’s programs to honor veterans

    Have a wonderful day!

  • #1638

    Norma Allen

    Answer to Prayer

    I’m thankful for a good report after my eye surgery follow up. My vision has already improved and I’m looking forward to more improvement over the coming months. It can take up to a year to recover so I am so thankful to be seeing results already. Many wonderful folks were praying for me. Thankful for a God who answers prayer and for Jesus our Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
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  • #1666

    Tina Fletcher

    I am a bit late to this party but I will start
    DAY 1
    I am grateful for:
    1. Having wonderful children that fill my life with joy
    2. waking up to see the sunrise on a beautiful morning
    3. having the time to take my little dog for a walk
    4. enjoying my morning cup of tea
    5. Technology … so lucky
    6. Working for myself
    7. Starting a new business with my daughter
    8. freedom of choice
    9. appreciating how lucky I am
    10. laughing out loud

    May you day be wonderful and full of joy 🙂

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  • #1748

    Diana Frame

    Day 10!!!!!! 11/11/17

    I’m grateful:

    For the dinner I’ll be having with my veteran son-in-law tonight
    For waking up to another beautiful day
    For help from my grandsons raking leaves
    For the good memories I have of my brother
    For being raised with values and respect
    For my daughter making it through a deep depression and finding a wonderful partner
    For taking action in my business
    For meeting new friends here
    For the opportunity to learn from Sean’s teaching
    And…..finally I am grateful That I actually completed this challenge!!!!!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #1786

      Norma Allen

      Congrats, Diana! Thank you for sharing your gratitude lists.

      Norma Esler

      Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
      Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

  • #1789

    Tina Fletcher

    DAY 2
    I am grateful for:
    1. Having wonderful children that fill my life with joy
    2. Changing my focus and decided where I am heading business wise
    3. I found this group as I know they will be important
    4. Decided to go into business with my daughter
    5. Spent time today to learn something new
    6. Learning how to create every more value for others
    7. Having fun with my family and pets
    8. Cooking up a storm for the week
    9. Appreciate the quite times
    10. Finding something to laugh out loud about

    May you day be wonderful and full of joy

    All things Digital
    For Training
    For Services

  • #1840

    Tina Fletcher

    Day 3
    I am grateful for:
    DAY 2
    I am grateful for:
    1. Having wonderful children that fill my life with joy
    2. Walking on the beach and watching the sunrise
    3. Learning from others
    4. Defining my business
    5. Creating my new website
    6. Learning how to create every more value for others
    7. Spending time reading
    8. Spending time listening to audios
    9. Going to bed early
    10. Finding something to laugh out loud about
    May you day be wonderful and full of joy

    All things Digital
    For Training
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  • #1857

    Malik Ahmad

    Never done this before but I’m in:

    1. My wife
    2. My children
    3. My job
    4. My health
    5. Having a business
    6. MMA
    7. Waking up this morning.
    8. Kids getting good grades in school
    9. My kids look out for and defend each other.
    10. My wife graduating college.

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  • #3659

    Malik Ahmad

    1. I live in good neighborhood
    2. That I have food to eat
    3. Living in a great city like Houston, TX
    4. Internet marketing
    5. I am thankful for our military
    6. I am thankful for our veterans
    7. I am able to take care of the sick
    8. I am thankful for my faith
    9. I am thankful for my ability to keep an open mind
    10. Sunrises and sunsets

    7 Figure Marketer Reveals...
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  • #3681

    I do this every day. When I wake up, and before I go to bed, just to remind myself that I have much to be grateful for.
    My list usually looks like this (I won’t repeat myself every day, because it’s usually the same):

    1. My children
    2. My parents
    3. My pets
    4. My friends
    5. My health
    6. A warm, safe roof overhead – which includes the neighborhood I live in, etc.
    7. My car – went a long time without one in a city where it’s impractical not to own one, so I really appreciate my mobility/freedom
    8. The ability to work without being micromanaged from some office (both my IM pursuits as well as my current career, I work from home for both)
    9. My creative, entrepreneurial spirit
    10. My previous night’s sleep. Sometimes this is actually 1 or 2 on the list because insomnia used to rob me of my quality of life. And I couldn’t appreciate or enjoy everything else in life if not for good sleep.

    …I could, and sometimes do, go beyond just 10!

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  • #5506

    Bruce Hoag

    I’m reviewing a book that I reread recently.

    The book is entitled If, by Mark Batterson.

    Here’s a lengthy quote from it.

    It’ll stop you in your tracks.

    “If you wake up this morning with more health than illness – you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

    “If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation – you are better off than five hundred million people in the world.

    “If you can attend a church meeting, or not attend one, without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death – you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

    “If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep – you are richer than 75 percent of this world.

    “If you have money in the bank or in your wallet, or spare change in a dish someplace – you rank among the top 8 percent of the world’s wealthy.

    “If you can read this book [or any book] – you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all” (p. 198).

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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