Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Your Blueprint As a Guide

I’m putting this lesson in a slightly different order than I’ve taught it in the past.

One of the things that’s important to me – and this Training Center is a culmination of this process over the last 10  years so far – is constantly improving the lessons, the way I teach the concepts, the order in which you learn them – to help you get the fastest breakthroughs possible.

I used to teach what the following steps are first, and explain how easy they are.

THEN give you the daily blueprint.

But I want you to start immediately on the daily schedule.

So I’m giving it to you early.

In the last lesson, I gave you the “math” blueprint:

500 new subscribers each month

50 sales times $10 – $500

60 members at $37 a month = $2000

20 sales at $37 – $97 = $740 – $2000

10 clients at $100 = $1000

That’s the monetary model.

Now before that I gave you the change lives model: giving amazing training to 100% of your list, not just your buyers.

So in order to have a full business, one that changes lives AND makes you $5k a month, you have to do both.

And in order to do both (or anything important in this world) – you must account for each activity in your daily schedule.

or it doesn’t get done.

Like if you want to work out each day but you don’t put it on your schedule – it doesn’t get done.

So before we can get to the daily blueprint, the daily schedule, we have to know what has to be done each day or week to get where we want to go.

So let’s look at our model:

500 new subscribers each month

50 sales times $10 – $500

60 members at $37 a month = $2000

20 sales at $37 – $97 = $740 – $2000

10 clients at $100 = $1000

plus training for free to your full list

So what’s it take to make those things happen?

There are a few components

500 new subscribers each month – to get them we need to get about 1500 targeted visitors to your squeeze page each month

50 sales times $10 – $500 – we have to have one core performing $10 product we sell in your email campaign on autopilot as new subscribers come onto your list

60 members at $37 a month = $2000 – you need a membership with training and lessons in it (kind of like this Training Center has lessons)

20 sales at $37 – $97 = $740 – $2000 – You release a new training program each month with about 4 hours of training in it

10 clients at $100 = $1000 – you lead 10 clients through a series of lessons, working with them personally

plus training for free to your full list – write 3-5 training emails to your list each week

Now, that probably looks like a lot.

But it’s not.

Let’s take a look at how much overlap there is:

1 core one hour training you sell for $10

4 hours of training you sell for $97

lessons you write for your membership

lessons you lead private clients through

Can you see how there could be some overlap?

Imagine if each week you recorded new training for just 2 hours a week.

You would produce 8 hours of training each month.

The first hour of all time goes into your core training to new subscribers

4 hours goes into your big training

that leaves 3 hours for your membership lessons. Make them each 30 minutes, and you have 6 lessons each month, add some text like I am writing right now – and you have 6 lessons a month in your membership.

Now, what about your private clients?

Hint: private clients need to learn the EXACT same things as your membership and product buyer clients. The difference may be that you teach them in a different order based on their personal needs (whereas a membership has a prescribed order) and that you personally evaluate their work and give them direction.

So you can have ALL your products created, ALL your membership lessons, and ALL your coaching lessons created in just 2 hours of product creation each week!

Just 2 hours a week of product creation = ALL the training you need for a $5k income!

And think about this – if you scaled up by 10 times, making $50k per month – would you need any MORE product hours of training – or just more subscribers leading to more sales and more members?

No, you wouldn’t!

And once you’ve done 8 hours a month (2 hours a week) for 6 months, you have 48 HOURS of training –

And you put much of that in your membership, you have your core coaching lessons created, you have multiple entry level products to sell –

And you can scale back to 2-4 hours of product creation PER MONTH!

And STILL adding to your basis of lessons (In my case, I have over 1000 hours of training spread out over over 100 products, memberships, coaching programs, and more. And not because I’m super-human, but I just created a few hours each month for 9 years!!!) It adds up over time!

Ok, so let’s ask a theoretical question: if you are already creating 2 hours of product each week . . . and you send 3-5 emails per week to your list . . . do you have to think of new ideas . . . or just extract 500 words from your trainings for that week?

That’s right – your emails are just extensions of whatever work you do that week!

(Many times, my daily training emails come from questions people ask via email, I answer them personally, then convert my response into an email for everyone!)

And here’s one more idea – if you are going to write, say 10 articles or blog posts or record 10 5 minute videos for youtube . . . do you have to start from scratch or just extract from your 2 hours of product creation each week?

Are you beginning to see how ALL of your content creation can stem from the 2 hours of product creation each week?

I genuinely hope so – because this has been one of the real keys to my own ability to be so prolific over time – because I created training for 2-4 hours per week (and usually less now that I’ve been doing this for 9 years and have so much accumulated) – and use that core content creation for:


membership lessons

coaching lessons

daily training emails


blog posts

youtube videos

and so on

All from 2 hours a week of product creation!

So the primary part of your entire week is the product creation.

Which is only 2 hours of training creating – preferably recording for 2 hours a week but you can write if you want instead (but it takes a bit longer)

For example, if had spoken (recorded) this lesson it might have taken 20 minutes to say all this.

But maybe an hour to write.

But a combination of writing and speaking works well.

So . . . 2 hours a week of training creation.

Create your articles, blog posts, youtube videos, daily emails from that training creation.

So the 3 parts of your business are nearly taken care of with that part of your schedule:

–> articles, blog posts, videos, etc to attract new subscribers

–> daily training email to list

–> sell products, memberships, and coaching lessons (for the $$ part)

So . . . for your entire business to be done, those are the 3 things that have to be accounted for each week/each day.

So per day, about:

1/2 hour per day training creation

1 hour per day – converting training ideas to your daily email and your daily articles, blog posts and youtube videos

1 hour per day occasionally – writing the sales letters for your products and membership, initially creating your initial site

Any additional time is spent on attracting prospects to your site with the articles, blog posts, videos etc.

So an ideal day might look like this:

–> record 30 minutes

–> write daily email – 15 minutes

–> write 3 articles – 45 minutes

–> record 2 youtubes – 30 minutes

–> add lesson to membership – 15 minutes

and then some days you would add 1 of these components:

–> write sales letter for weekly/monthly product release – 1 hour


–> write launch emails for new product – 1 hour

–> the rest of your allotted time can simply be spent putting the articles, blog posts, videos, etc online in ways that people who need what you teach can find them, read them, watch them, click through to your website, join your list, get into your automated email campaign (comprised on your daily training emails + your product launch emails that accumulate over time as you launch products and add them to your campaign) and that is where the money is – when 10% of your new subscribers buy your products, join your membership, and enroll in coaching.

So . . . your average daily schedule is:

–> record 30 minutes

–> write daily email – 15 minutes

–> write 3 articles – 45 minutes

–> record 2 youtubes – 30 minutes

–> add lesson to membership – 15 minutes

–> the rest of your allotted time can simply be spent putting the articles, blog posts, videos, etc online in ways that people who need what you teach can find them — 2 hours

That is 4 hours and 15 minutes.

Of course, some days you won’t spend as much time recording.

Or you will only spend 30 minutes on attracting prospects.

Or you skip adding a membership lesson (you only do that about once a week)

Hopefully, you are really beginning to sense some simplicity here!

Each day you write a simple daily schedule based on which of the above components you want to do that day!

That’s almost exactly how I run my own days!

And the longer you do this, the less you do, once you have a bank of content created, and lessons created, and trainings recorded, and subscribers coming in from previously created content – you simply don’t have to do as much to keep the machine running!

Ok, it’s time for me to stop writing and pass the ball to you.

I hope this lesson has given you amazing clarity about not only how simple the whole process is but how easily you can run your day to get your $5k Business up and running!

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