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I need your feedback on a new questions system . .

Home Page Forums Ask Anything I need your feedback on a new questions system . .


This topic contains 27 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Sean Mize 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #1135

    Sean Mize

    One advantage to getting involved in something brand new – especially with me, since I believe in starting with a minimum viable version, then tweaking it live to make it exactly what is needed . . . is if you follow along, you’ll see deep inside the testing and innovative iteration process for building something . . .

    Of course the disadvantage is, it’s not all figured out so it’s not super smooth yet!

    Anyhow, if you have a few minutes now to help me test . . .

    I’ve installed a questions suite for testing purposes . . . I’d love for you to go to the home page, then go to the left where it says

    “Testing Different Questions System”

    and do 2 things:

    1) Answer one of my questions

    2) Ask a question

    Then use this thread to give me your thoughts and opinion:



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  • Author
  • #1141

    Bruce Hoag

    I like the new display because it enables us to separate questions from comments and posts.

    Under the current system, Ask Any Question implies that you’re only asking a question. There’s no obvious place to do anything else, though I have posted lengthy comments here.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1144

    Robert Mason

    I like it. It feels open/ free to get in and ask or answer questions, without being constrained or restricted.

    Clean and easy.

  • #1163

    Sean Mize

    Ok, now that we have some questions and answers, we can compare the systems . . .

    so 3 questions:

    1) is the new system easier to use?

    2) do you like the look and feel of this:

    (call it a):

    example a

    or this example b

    which do you like, a or b, and why?

    3) do you like the look and feel of this:

    example c

    example d

    which do you like, c or do, and why?

    Thanks a million, I am hoping to get this nailed today and move to the next feature for my BIG THING tomorrow!


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  • #1169

    James Williams

    1 I do believe the new system is easier
    2 example B
    3 example D

    • #1233

      Gregory Bey

      I am legally blind and use a screen reader to read the text on my computer screen. It takes me a while to get some things figured out so I’m still learning to use the system. So far, I have learned how to ask and answer questions. So, if I can use the system, it should not be too hard for others to use.

  • #1170

    Dana Cassell

    I don’t have a real preference between A and B, but B is more “friendly” and enticing

    Again, no real preference between C & D, but C provides a bit more data about the conversation, I believe

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  • #1172

    Bruce Hoag

    I prefer “b,” but the size of the blue box with white letters seems a bit overpowering. Something a little more subtle would be better, I think.

    I like “b” better because it’s easier to distinguish between the posts.

    One other thing I should mention is that something like 5% of men are color-blind. (My dad was.)

    Red is seen as gray. So all the post titles in red may be really hard for some people to see at all.

    I prefer “c” over “d” because when I write a reply, I like to be able to scroll back to the post that others made.

    With version “d,” I have to open a new window to accomplish the same thing.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1179

    Robert Mason

    I think the new system is good, but I don’t know what the old system was!

    I much prefer B – not sure why we are looking at C and D – B provides a summary and we can delve deeper if we wish to.

    I like B very much.

  • #1181

    Suzanne Sukhram

    It is easier to filter in B, so that will save time, and so I prefer it. For example, I could navigate to “Unanswered questions” to see if someone needs help who hasn’t gotten any yet. This was a great feature of one community I was a part of years ago.

    I like C more, because it has the reply numbers, which make it easy to link to something for the future. For example, if Don said something helpful (because he has a lot of good thoughts), I could copy that link into a document for myself, and then I could refer to it at any time I need to (like permalinks). I do like the upvote/downvote of D, however, as well as the option to subscribe to, vs. favorite, threads.

    Messaging would also be great, so that we can offer feedback, say hi and so on. πŸ™‚

  • #1188

    Steve Allen

    I much prefer B, especially because it makes it easier to find at a glance what the discussion is about. After the Community if fuller and the content in it is bigger that will make a difference.
    And just as a suggestion if it is possible, it would be even better if there were a way to categorize the questions to (for example) see all video related q & a in one place and all email related in another, etc.

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  • #1198

    Sean Mize

    Ok, , ,so I’m liking this discussion

    now, some of you bring up 2 key points about b – and that is the ability to see which category more easily

    but it doesn’t allow you to link to a single reply, should you want to share it . .

    so . . look and feel aside

    if we were to have a more fully built – out set of categories –

    what if the main page were organized like this:

    example with new category sections

    so each forum ONLY contained, for example, email campaign questions . . .

    and it was easy to navigate like that, but you’d still be able to link to an individual reply πŸ™‚

    and keep in mind, I plan to add “thanks” component, also voting component, so the best replies move to the top of each question . . .
    and more πŸ™‚

    just trying to get this category piece down first

    and thanks for helping and especially for your feedback, because it makes a great difference to me!


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    • #1229

      Kristin VanTilburg

      Yes, I like the category sections and being able to link to an individual reply.

      Kristin van Tilburg
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  • #1202

    Don Sturgill

    Yes. Better.

    A and D make the content easier to access.

  • #1217

    Julia Rotgers

    The updated layout seems to be much easier to read and find what you’re looking for.

    I liked B and D (including the ability to upvote the most useful answers).

    A looks a bit outdated and C still requires you to search through many answers.

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  • #1220

    Bruce Hoag

    The newer look, in my opinion is still trying to make everything visible at once.

    Have you thought about using another navigation bar with subtopics?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1224

    Leslie Leftley

    I like B and D. D is easier to navigate around and B has a nice upvote function, which acts as a magnet for more people to read, as it is a sign that quality can be found there. The downside of that latter point, however, is that other ideas may be overlooked, as people flock to the popular topics, and not always to learn and/or add value but just out of curiosity.

    Whatever we end up with we must, as Sean has said avoid, at all costs, the Facebook group and/or Warrior forum “mentality”, to creep into our very special, business oriented community.

  • #1227

    Sean Mize


    thanks for your opinions

    I will be adding an upvote system, no matter the look and feel

    don’t worry, I’m going to make sure there isn’t a fb or wf mentality here . . .

    it might take some sticks and carrots, but I’m committed!

    I believe very strongly in this . . .

    and that’s one reason why you folks – front end folks who took at risk right at the beginning – are so important

    because you can help me set the foundation


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  • #1230

    Sean Mize


    what if I fixed the outdated look of A

    and had voting like B

    Bruce, with the new categories . . . and that can be extended infinitely – that solves that

    Kristin, that allows the categories and linking to individual replies . . .

    so to all: if we went with A – with extended categories and an updated modern look, and adding upvoting

    it will give us the ability to link to individual replies (which I agree is huge, it allows YOUR replies to be shared individually in fb, etc – and once I add signatures (yes, signatures are coming) – then it’s an even bigger deal –

    the one drawback is some of the sorting features in B and D . . but I think I might be able to do a little bit of custom programming to make something similar to that happen too . . .

    additional thoughts?


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    • #1237

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Sean,

      Sounds like you are onto something there. Getting closer anyway. Linking to individual replies is absolutely essential as you say. It also saves heaps of time. And if you can pull the rabbit out of your hat, and do something to keep the advantages of B and D, we could almost have ourselves a prototype!!

  • #1251

    Suzanne Sukhram

    Filters would be REALLY nice, as I mentioned in my comment above (which I will now link to, because there is a permalink, lol):

    Tagging of folks would be nice as well, in addition to messaging. πŸ™‚

  • #1260

    Onofrio Fiorentino

    Hi Everyone – I do think that the new system is easier and the choices that I like the best are: Question 2. example B & Question 3. example D.

    In the spirit of helpfulness my one suggestion is to have a navigation menu or navigation directions for those who, like me, have not spent a lot of time in forums or WP blogs and are not experienced and familiar with navigating to where I want to go. (I think Bruce Hoag made this type of suggestion in this thread above… please correct me if I’m wrong about this)!

    The guessing and trial-and-error are frustrating and time consuming and so the experience and feeling of spending too much time here is not as pleasant as it could be. Let us get around the site quickly and easily :)!

    Please don’t misunderstand, I enjoy meeting new, like-minded people, getting to know others better, asking and answering questions, helping others where I can etc… I just think the technical set up could be more user friendly, especially for people who are new at this.

  • #1266

    Onofrio Fiorentino

    Question: Apart from a navigation guide of some kind that I suggested above, is there some way to make this site more intuitive?

  • #1267

    Onofrio Fiorentino

    By the way the time stamps above are not correct. My first post, I believe should have been 12:07 PM, EST and the second entry at 12:32 AM EST.

  • #1273

    Bruce Hoag

    I’m puzzled.

    If we can’t reply directly to someone who has made a comment now, and I know that that’s the case, then what’s the purpose of the REPLY link that is to the right of every post that people make now?

    If you look on the top right of a given post, it will say something like REPLY #1111. If you click on REPLY, your comment ends up at the bottom of the page.

    Is it intended just to make it faster to get there?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #1339

      Suzanne Sukhram

      I’m puzzled.

      If we can’t reply directly to someone who has made a comment now, and I know that that’s the case, then what’s the purpose of the REPLY link that is to the right of every post that people make now?

      If you look on the top right of a given post, it will say something like REPLY #1111. If you click on REPLY, your comment ends up at the bottom of the page.

      Is it intended just to make it faster to get there?

      I believe you are correct, Bruce. But the “quote” feature works great! πŸ™‚

  • #1344

    Bruce Hoag

    I hadn’t even noticed the quote feature until you mentioned it, Suzanne.

    I guess I’m programmed to think that when things are grayed-out like that, then the function doesn’t work. LOL

    I should be more adventurous and just click the buttons. πŸ˜‰

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1359

    Sean Mize


    MEssaging is on tap . . . I don’t want to roll it out too soon . . I am trying to manage this such that we get the momentum we need in each category, and the smart folks out there tell me if you put it all out at once . . .you lose momentum,.’

    who knows??

    but messaging coming

    Norf . . , intuitive search and categories are coming, I’m rolling slowly, testing some things, and then there’s always some thing in life or business that means you have to pull away for 2 hours, ever had that happen πŸ™‚

    We’re getting there, today signatures and quotes . .

    tomorrow a new day!

    Bruce, yes, there should be a personal reply ability soon, trying to keep things lightweight and roll them in right!!


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