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Membership Location In Funnel

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Malik Ahmad 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #122

    Don Sturgill

    That’s up to you, Scott. The basic sequence is prospect generation, squeeze page to build the list, daily emails to build relationship, then developing products and making offers. You don’t have to offer a membership at all … that’s up to your own strategic plan. In essence, membership is a combination service/product, seems to me.

  • #124

    Tina Fletcher

    Hi Scott, I think it can be straight in two place ie you can send out a free course and it can take them to the members area (or just a download page) or you can let it start with your paid course. It depends on how you personality want to structure it!

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  • #127

    Joe Martin

    My opinion is that it would be more effective later in the funnel after credibility had been established.

  • #128

    James Dudley

    You can put a membership anywhere you want in a funnel but you usually find it as a back end item. after 1 or 2 upsells.

  • #287

    Bruce Hoag

    It’s already been suggested that you put it where you want to, but I’m inclined to agree with Joe. That’s because it could be that your subscribers won’t want one.

    Seems to me that it makes more sense to put your efforts into creating a solid business first, and then when you have a sufficient number of subscribers – and it will be different for everyone – ask them if this is something that they would like.

    If it is, then you could create a membership program that’s tailored to what people want.

    If you try to do it beforehand, then at best you’re only guessing at what it should look like.

    And if you discover later that you have to change it – and you probably will – then you will have wasted a lot of time that could have been used more profitably at the beginning.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
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  • #442

    Sean Mize

    I love the thought that’s going into this discussion!

    I think a lot depends on what YOU want to happen . . .

    what do YOU want to be your first seller . . . a membership or a training?

    which might convert better and be more useful?

    think about this:

    if it’s a mostly-training membership – it might be most useful on day 1 or day 10

    but . .

    if it’s a mostly – connection membership . . . you might need to develop trust by waiting until someone has bought 1-2 times (or at least had the opportunity) – and that might be 15-30 days down the road.

    So I think – much as many of the comments above –

    that it depends on what you want to accomplish AND what the membership does


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  • #445

    Scott Hogue

    Thanks for the responses!

    No simple answer, but some solid material and answers to think over.

    Scott Hogue CChH

    Scott Hogue CChH
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    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #449

    Kristin VanTilburg

    One thing that has swayed me in joining a membership site in the past is bonuses. When the bonuses are big enough the membership fee becomes inconsequential. So you might factor that into your decision process.

    Kristin van Tilburg
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  • #476

    Down the line, I plan to have some sort of membership and, as Sean goes over in his platform class, membership software offers another degree of security at your website. So I like the idea of building a membership into my website now and then waiting to offer a membership to my list as I grow my relationships with them.

    ♥ Coach Claire

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  • #499

    Don Sturgill

    Certainly, Sean’s students should add membership to the big picture strategy. Just because something isn’t acted on now doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a placeholder for it later. Your business will tell you when it’s time to implement membership.

  • #1301

    Sean Mize

    Keep in mind, you can start a membership with very little or no content, then add content each week or month as you create it live . . you can use a lower price for ‘charter” members – with the understanding that there isn’t much loaded yet, they are getting it live as a bonus for being charter clients . .


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  • #1897

    Malik Ahmad

    In my funnels I put memberships at the end just before I offer coaching or some type of access to me.

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