Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Julia Rotgers

  • Thank you, Malik. I’ve done my own FB Lives with little issues. I’ve been a guest,
    but had no idea what the Presenter did. Thanks for explaining.

    My last Presenter also used a third-party software; don’t recall the name at the moment.
    Would have to go back to my emails to see what it is. That’s where I logged in rather
    than joining her live…[Read more]

  • I have tried recordings, books and pdf reports.

    Not a scientific study, but the audio recordings seem to do best, the books next and the reports last.

    Was wondering if a free course would draw if not more, at least better prospects and engage with them more.

  • Knowing that I brought value to at least one person and help them to experience a
    breakthrough in something that was stopping them from moving forward. It could be
    personal or could be business.

    For example, In business it may be a limiting belief or it may be a lack of systems in their
    business that keep them stuck and prevent them from…[Read more]

  • Whether you work exclusively from home, or you have a full time job with a
    ‘side hustle’, how do you plan your week? Weekly? Daily? Mornings or the
    night before?

    Please share what works for you.

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