Using Risk to Your Advantage in Business
Entrepreneurs have to balance risk. Different people can risk it all in different ways. Let’s just say that you are starting with nothing in life financially. You can risk it all, you have nothing to lose. But, if you’re multimillionaire, you probably don’t want to risk it all but, you might be willing to set…
Read MoreOnline Focus Tools
I have found that if I track my time, I am more effective in the long run. It’s like I know someone’s watching, so I work faster! I personally use Rescue Time But I believe that these are good tools as well: Focus Booster It helps you keep track of your projects as you are…
Read MoreThe Most Important Thing You Can Do On Monday Morning
Monday morning, is hands down, the most productive time of my week, and it probably is yours, too. But so often we squander that productivity answering email, catching up on Facebook from the weekend, having sales meetings, and so on. In my own business, I don’t open email or social media until Monday afternoon when…
Read MoreThe Truth About Time Management
My belief is this: there is no such thing as time management – everyone gets the same amount of time, it passes like a river. Here’s the concept: just as the river doesn’t move, the water moves through the river and creates the appearance of the river moving, time stands still for us each day,…
Read MoreWhat is the next thing you need to do?
I’m gonna share a concept I use in my business to get me more results, and I’ve used iterations of it for years, and it’s one of the key things to which I can attribute my aggressive production (whether it was 25,000 articles on ezinearticles, testing ~ $30,000 of solo ads, or running well…
Read MoreCan your write your business model on the back of a napkin?
Can you write your business model on the back of a napkin? If not, your business is probably too complicated. That’s right – I said it – your business is probably too complicated. Here’s a business model that can fit on a napkin: 1) target market: people who are struggling with writing emails (one target…
Read MoreDealing With Distractions
Distractions, Part 1: Distractions are the bane of life in the 21st century. There are so many things for us to read, watch, or listen to that quite often we don’t know where to start, and even if we do, it seems inordinately difficult to concentrate on just one thing. Tim Ferriss, author of the…
Read MoreThe 3 Things That Have Made the Biggest Difference in My Productivity in the Last Year
There are 3 big things that have impacted my productivity (and hence success) in a huge way in the last year, and they are not about building a bigger list, driving more traffic, or creating more products.Nor are they about working harder, longer, or even necessarily making more money. Instead, they allow me to be…
Read MoreOutsourcing
One of the keys to being able to work less than 40 hours a week is outsourcing. It’s even deeper than that – it’s getting others to do the work that needs to be done. Another key is automation. I automate about 1/2 of my business activity. About 40% of my daily activity is outsourced.…
Read MoreIs there a disconnect in what you are doing and what is important?
Part 1: Imagine your week is a blank slate. What would you put in your week if it were a blank slate? Right now, if you had no plans for the week, what is the #1 thing you would want to accomplish? What are 3 things you would do this week if you had no…
Read MoreHave you done your "one thing" yet today?
Have you done your “one thing” yet today? If you haven’t, do it! Here’s the thing: if you don’t do it, at the end of the day, you will likely feel as though you were really busy all day but didn’t really get anything done (ever feel that way?) If you DO do it, once…
Read MoreHave you accomplished the single most important thing yet this week?
Have you had a productive week? Earlier this week I sent an email about accomplishing the single biggest thing you wanted to accomplish this week . . . and I gave you a formula for doing it. How did that go? How does it feel to accomplish that ONE THING this week? Here’s the thing,…
Read MoreAccomplish the Most Important Thing This Week – First
What is the single biggest thing you want to accomplish this week? . . . . . My unsolicited advice on how to accomplish it: Do. It. First. That’s right, stop everything. Close email. Turn off the phone. Stop doing any project except this #1 thing. . . . When you have accomplished this #1…
Read MoreThe Key Question I Ask When Struggling With a Problem
What’s the single biggest thing that is holding you back? That’s my key question when struggling with a roadblock. I ask that question, then go fix whatever that one thing is. THEN – I ask it again! And after awhile, I’ve got the wrinkles out . . cause I just keep going deeper and deeper…
Read MoreThe 2nd Step to Managing My Time
A few days ago I shared with you this: Visual of My Time Last Week That tells me where I spent my time. And knowing where I spend my time is the 2nd step to managing my time. Because if I don’t know where I am currently spending it, I have a hard time fixing…
Read MoreWhich Half Of Your Time Is Making You a Profit?
A few days ago I sent an email recommending this exercise:Every 15 minutes write down what you are doing. At the end of 3 days, look at your schedule. Next to each 15 minute time slot write: –>necessary and important (profitable) –>not necessary (non-profitable) –>wasteful or could have been done without Tally up how many…
Read MoreHow to Plan Your Day
One of the most important parts of your productivity is getting the work done. No matter how much you strategize or plan, no matter how organized you are, if you don’t actually do the steps or the work, you don’t do the work necessary to create success, and success doesn’t happen. One of the most…
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