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Bob Moore

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  • #1120

    Bob Moore

    Great advice. Sometimes the simplest things are the most overlooked.

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  • #1119

    Bob Moore

    Personally, I don’t think it’s ever too early to delegate. The menial tasks are the things that eat up the majority of your time. As I once read, you should be focusing on your business not in your business.

    Let someone else make your squeeze pages, your bonus pages, your download pages, etc. Look at the big picture of where you want your business to be and make that your focus. All the other steps can be outsourced (as long as your budget allows it).

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  • #1096

    Bob Moore

    It works for me. I have no issues reading any of the posts (not that there were really any issues before), but it’s all good as far as I’m concerned.

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  • #1095

    Bob Moore

    Are “have” and “use” the same thing? It’s funny, but I got a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking a few years ago as a gift. I had (have) every intention of using it.

    I guess in some ways I’m old school. I recently transcribed some videos that I want to re-purpose, but I did it the old fashioned way — listen, hit pause, write. . .listen, hit pause, write.

    I’m glad you brought this up. I totally forgot I had access to the software and now realize how much more efficiently my time could have been spent.

    So I guess the answer to the question, “Do you use dictation software?” is. . .I will now.

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  • #1073

    Bob Moore

    As others have stated, where you set it up is irrelevant. What I’ve learned is that the squeeze page has one function and one function only: Get the lead. In split-testing, I’ve found that the simpler you make it, the better.

    You can have fancy backgrounds, fancy fonts, and fancy effects, but those are all distractors.

    The simpler you make it, the better your conversion rates.

    Just tell them, “Here’s what you need to do. Here’s how to do it.” Give me your email address. Simple.

    By the way. . .on my squeeze pages, I NEVER ask for the name. Some people may disagree with me on this, and that’s fine. I just see it as an unnecessary step. It worked years ago, but people are more savvy these days.

    They know you’re not writing a personalized email to them, so why bother? It’s just another hoop for them to jump through.

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  • #1072

    Bob Moore

    I’m fanatical about sticking to a routine. I do the same things at the same times pretty much every day. Also, I’m all about keeping notes. I write down EVERYTHING. It’s the only way I can stay organized. You’d laugh if you saw my work space.

    I have so many Post-It notes with stuff that I can barely remember what they’re even for. My wife thinks it’s quite humorous.

    That being said, I think being able to focus on a task and seeing it through is one of my best habits.

    I’ll think of others down the road and share them, but that’s my biggest thus far.

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  • #1071

    Bob Moore

    4:45 — Get up (for clarification, that’s AM not PM)
    5:00 — Shave
    5:15 — Coffee/ check email
    5:30 — Shower
    5:50 — Pack up, prepare lunches for me and the wife
    6:30 — Drive to work (we both work at the same school; it’s awesome. The running joke is that I’m the boss at work, and she’s the boss at home. Truer words were never spoken.)
    7:30-2:00 — Teach my butt off
    2:15-ish — Come home
    3:00 — Take our two four-legged daughters for a walk
    3:30-6:15-ish — Total focus on my business
    6:30 — Dinner
    7:00 — Hunker down and watch some TV and grade some papers
    10:30-ish or 11:00-ish — Bed
    Do it all over the next day

    Oh yeah, and lest I forget, there’s some wine drinking time between 5:00 and bed (the wife and I love wine). I guess we all have to have some kind of vice.

    Cripes. . .I didn’t realize I did that much during the course of a day 🙂

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  • #1070

    Bob Moore

    Hi James,

    My day job is as a high school English teacher. I’m also the head of the English department at my school. Many weeks I put in probably about 60 hours when you consider classroom time, meetings, and grading papers.

    The time I devote to my business is the two to three hours between when I come home and the time my wife and I have dinner. That’s totally devoted to business. I don’t do anything else then except focus on what needs to be done to move my business forward — watching training, writing emails, making a video, creating a squeeze page, etc.

    In fact, I’m planning on releasing a product soon (once I finish the videos), and I’ll make a free copy available to all my new friends here who request access 🙂

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  • #1035

    Bob Moore

    I know Sean is a big proponent of Beaver Builder. I’ve not really looked into it myself. I’m considering using it as a membership platform, however, as I know that’s what he uses.

    I’m looking for something that doesn’t have a huge learning curve. I don’t mind Profit Builder, but there are a lot of moving parts. I see some people like InstaBuilder as well. I’ll probably look more closely into that as well, but I see that with somewhat of a learning curve also. Maybe I’m mistaken.

    I should mention that I also have Profit Canvas (Brett Rutecky) and Online Sales Pro, although, truth be told, I haven’t really gotten too deep into either one. I’m comfortable now with OP2. I’ll branch out a little and test some others.

    Thanks to all for the feedback.

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  • #1033

    Bob Moore

    What’s funny is we hear about “gurus” all the time. Who are the gurus?

    No one I’ve ever come across has ever admitted to being a guru since it has a negative connotation associated with it. We can all make assumptions about who they are based on the frequency we see them and their offers.

    I’m not naming names here, but we probably all have our own ideas about who they are.

    That being said, are they lying? I don’t think so. They’re just people trying to make a buck as we all are or else we wouldn’t be in this industry. Do you want to help people? Absolutely. That should be your focus. But we also want to make money, hence the name of the niche many of us are in, “Make Money Online.”

    Personally, I think “guru” is a term thrown around a little too loosely by some who want to blame someone else for their lack of success. I know that sounds harsh, but I think there’s some truth in it.

    I’m not meaning to offend anyone. . .

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  • #1020

    Bob Moore

    Hi Bruce,

    I would say it depends on what you want your focus to be. From the prospective of an aspiring IMer, I like the ghostwriting site better. Since, I assume, the majority of people here are focusing on internet marketing, it will resonate with the most people. Plus, since the URL for that site is in your name, it helps to brand you maybe a little bit better.

    I don’t think you could go wrong either way. You can always cross-promote, too. I hope that helps.

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  • #924

    Bob Moore

    I think we’re all afraid of something. That’s a natural human emotion. Maybe it’s a fear of heights, snakes, public speaking, the dark, or whatever.

    I think the important thing, especially in the realm of internet marketing, is not to be afraid of being successful. We may not admit it, but I think that’s the reason so many people have difficulty getting started.

    To a certain extent, that is my fear. I want success, but it’s the unknown of what that will bring. Irrational? I guess.

    Okay, to stop rambling and answer the question. . .if I wasn’t afraid, I’d go full-out campaigning and get my offers in front of as many people as possible by whatever means necessary.

    Hey, now that I think of it, that sounds like a pretty good idea 🙂 I’ll get back to you on that.

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  • #922

    Bob Moore

    I agree with Don. Many will tell you that your list is the most important part of your business. I would reword that to say it is not the most important part of your business but rather an important part of your business.

    Someone can take away my list. It’s a tangible asset that I could ultimately lose. No one, however, can take away my marketing knowledge.

    Go ahead and take away my list. I have the knowledge to build another one. . .and another one. . .and another one. You get the point. No one, however, can take from me my knowledge.

    Now, let me say this: If you’ve seen any of my previous posts, I’ve said that knowledge without action means nothing. I stand by that; however, if you have the knowledge and re-implement it, that’s another story. You’re using it to move forward.

    Bottom line, use your knowledge to take action. No one can take that away from you. Make sense?

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  • #921

    Bob Moore

    Here are the three that have influenced me the most:

    Think and Grow Rich — Napoleon Hill

    The Richest Man in Babylon — George Clason

    The Go Giver — Bob Burg

    All are excellent reads. Start with The Go Giver. It’s a very quick and excellent read about how you’ll get more in your life by giving to others. You won’t regret reading any of these.

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  • #920

    Bob Moore

    It’s kind of a double-edged sword. You certainly don’t want to get scammed, but by the same token, you don’t want to give up an opportunity to basically get free exposure.

    It’s pretty much like anything else. Do your research and see if it’s going to be a mutually beneficial experience. Can you tell if the person is on the up-and-up? If so, give it a shot. If you’re much more of the cautious type, walk away.

    I know this may seem overly simplistic, but you just have to weigh the benefits vs. the potential pitfalls.

    If you feel it’s someone you can trust, I’d take the leap and hope for free exposure. Just do your homework on the person first.

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  • #915

    Bob Moore

    Truth be told, I’ve not heard of it. Any further insight would be greatly appreciated. I think we’re all interested in anything coaching-related (okay, maybe that’s a bit of an overgeneralization). I know, at least, I am.

    Clarity is something I could definitely use. Looking forward to more info.

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  • #912

    Bob Moore

    I was curious about this as well. I sent some friend requests, but I’m not sure what happened after that. If you want to be a friend of mine, just hit me up. The more the merrier.

    If we’re all communicating with one another in this forum, maybe it is/isn’t necessary. I don’t know. But if there’s a benefit, you know I want in. Thanks, folks.

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  • #866

    Bob Moore

    I want to learn how to build and maintain a sustainable business and have clarity and focus.

    I want to meet like-minded people with whom I can share ideas and form partnerships.

    I want to collaborate with people who are successful and goal-oriented and who can help me move my business forward.

    I want to have access to tools and resources that can help me establish my business and my presence.

    I want to help people and change as many lives as possible. Even one is a start.

    Great exercise. It made me think about some things I’d never really pondered before.

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  • #765

    Bob Moore

    Easy. It would have to be taking action. For the longest time, I spent my waking hours reading and watching tutorial after tutorial, deluding myself that all that learning was somehow building my business.

    In reality, all I was doing was learning. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but if you don’t act upon that knowledge, there’s no moving forward.

    I remember a while ago, a person from whom I was studying said, “Stop learning and start earning.” That’s so true.

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  • #762

    Bob Moore

    Good question. If you aren’t making any money, there has to be a reason. For me, the motivation would be to figure out why the heck I’m not making any money.

    But here’s the thing. Lots of people associate money with success. Is making money your end game? I understand that money is needed for the necessities of life. But even if you’re not “cash rich,” are you helping people? To me, that’s a form of payment, and in that respect, you are successful.

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  • #712

    Bob Moore


    I think all of us in this industry have been afflicted with some degree of self-doubt at one time or another. You just have to decide what path you want to take and follow through.

    We all get pulled in so many directions that it makes focus seemingly impossible.

    What has gotten me past this is focusing on one goal and seeing that goal to the end. For example, do I need to create a list in Aweber today?

    Create it.

    Do I need to write an email to my subscribers today?

    Do it.

    Do I need to write a blog post today?

    Write it.

    It’s amazing, but a laser focus gets things done that you may have never thought possible. You can get way more done in an hour than you ever could have imagined.

    Don’t believe it? Try it.

    Write it.

    Talk soon.

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  • #709

    Bob Moore

    Jing was mentioned in this thread. It’s prominent on my desktop. It’s a great way to capture a screenshot or to create/capture a video that’s no more than five minutes.

    It’s certainly no rival for Camtasia, but if you don’t need anything fancy, you just need some screenshots, and/or your videos are short, this a great option. . .and it’s free.

    It doesn’t get much better than that. Check it out.

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  • #708

    Bob Moore

    As some have pointed out here, I would say check what your competition is doing. The temptation is to price lower than they are so you can grab the sale.

    The problem here is that buyers have become very savvy in recent years. They can look at basically the same product, one selling for $7 and the other selling for $27. Many will choose the latter thinking that because it’s a higher price, it must be a better value.

    Don’t get me wrong. This won’t always be the case. You’ll always find people who want the inexpensive (note I didn’t say “cheap”) route. I mean, who doesn’t want to save money? But many will look at the higher priced product as having more value.

    As I stated in a previous thread, just make sure you re-purpose products that others may be (are) selling as well. I know that’s kind of a different topic, but it bears mentioning again here.

    Bottom line, pricing is based on what the market is prepared to pay. Do your research. I hope that helps.

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  • #707

    Bob Moore


    Self-development/improvement is a huuuuuuge niche. It’s one of those where it’s impossible to be all things to all people. It’s kind of like internet marketing. You can’t necessarily say you’re in the IM niche. Does that mean your focus is affiliate marketing, video marketing, email marketing, product creation, traffic generation, etc., etc., etc?

    Self improvement is the same animal. There are just so many sub-categories from which to choose. Decide in what area you can come off as an expert. Do you have experience in some particular topic? Is there some area in which you can create products and answer questions?

    Keep in mind you don’t have to be an expert. Just choose an area that interests you and one in which you can do even a small amount of research. Is that becoming more organized, becoming more productive, using affirmations in your everyday life, overcoming addictions, or increasing productivity? These are just ones I came up with off the top of my head.

    Just play to your strengths. If it’s something that you’re either passionate about or you want to know more about, you’re good to go. It makes research easy and more enjoyable.

    I’m sure this is nothing you haven’t heard before, but I just wanted to give you my take. Best of luck!

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  • #706

    Bob Moore


    I’m glad you brought this up here. I’m currently in the process of starting some image-related marketing campaigns. I got involved very recently with a product that does just that, and I have to tell you, I’m pretty excited about it.

    I don’t want to throw out any product names here as I don’t want this to seem like some sort of shameless promotion since that’s not the spirit of this site.

    I can tell you it focuses more on Pinterest than Instagram, but I can see it certainly would work well on both. I’ve gone through the program, and I’m ready to implement it. I will keep you and anyone else interested in my progress. If it works well, I’ll certainly let you know.

    I would be happy to let you, or anyone else, know what the program is, and I’m not an affiliate for it (not yet, anyway :-)).

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  • #701

    Bob Moore

    Thanks for this thread. I was going to post this exact same thing. Many of the membership platforms I’ve come across either require taking out a second mortgage or having a doctorate in computer programming.

    Two that I’ve found that are pretty user friendly are Membersonic (mentioned numerous times in this thread) and MemberHub, which came out in August 2016 (I think).

    Another rather simple one I have access to is MemberPal, but if you have issues with WordPress, this probably isn’t for you.

    It would be great if someone finds a platform that you can actually figure out and doesn’t cost a fortune. I’ll be keeping an eye out here.

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  • #696

    Bob Moore

    Another one I just remembered — Builderall. I got sucked in when it launched. I can’t really speak fairly as to whether it’s good or not. It sounded good at the time.

    In all fairness, I haven’t really done anything with it. Does this sound familiar? It’s one of those things where you feel you have to have it, you buy it, and then you forget you have it. Then you go through your JVZoo purchases, and say to yourself, “Oh, yeah. I remember buying that. I’ll have to figure out how well that works.”

    For those interested, I’ll give Builderall a fair shake and let you know my thoughts. For what it’s worth, I’ve heard good things about it. I think that’s what convinced me to take the plunge. Hopefully, I made a good decision.

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  • #673

    Bob Moore

    I dabbled in FB ads not too long ago. For me, personally, they weren’t returning a great investment. To be fair, though, I’ve never been fluent in the FB world. Had I spent more time researching and learning the ins and outs, my results would have been better I suppose.

    Now I’m not saying they don’t work. I know of a lot of people making gobs of money using them. It’s just that I was somehow gumming up the works.

    It’s one of those platforms that if you know what you’re doing, you can do extremely well. If you don’t, you can lose your shirt. I’ll make very sure I’m confident in what I’m doing if I decide to take the plunge again. Good luck with it. I’m curious to know how you do.

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  • #670

    Bob Moore

    If you’re on a PC, it starts and ends with Camtasia. Yes, for some it’s cost prohibitive, but it’s got the whole package. If you’re on a budget, Video Motion Pro is a good option.

    As you search for viable options, you’ll come across hypey pitches such as “Camtasia killer.” Don’t believe it. I’m not saying there aren’t good alternative products out there. There are. They’re just not at that level.

    Oh, for what it’s worth, I also own MonkeyPlayr (that’s the way it’s spelled). It’s a good alternative as well without the sticker shock. Good luck.

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  • #606

    Bob Moore

    First and foremost, I see this as a place to help others and receive help at the same time. I like the accountability aspect as I find myself drifting too often. It got to a point where I would come home from work (as a teacher), watch five or six tutorial videos, and feel as if I spent the last two hours working on my business. Don’t get me wrong — education is important, but if you do nothing with it, it’s useless. For some reason, it took me a long time to get over that hurdle. I’ve gotten better, but I think this is the place that will give me the push I need.

    Second, I’m hoping to get some product ideas and information for blog posts. After all, we’re here because we want to make money as well as provide help, right? I really believe the latter to be more important, though. I’ve been told that if your focus is on helping people, the money will come. If you’re just looking to make money and that’s all you’re chasing, you’ll spin your wheels. I’m tired of spinning my wheels.

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  • #596

    Bob Moore

    If you’re looking for an actual dollar amount, here’s my two cents (no pun intended). What most will tell you are the big three expenses are a domain name ($10), reliable hosting (about $10 a month), and an autoresponder (19 or 20 bucks a month). I use Aweber as my autoresponder and D9 Hosting for domains and hosting (no affiliate plugs here). If you have those three things, you’re in business. I hope that helps.

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  • #573

    Bob Moore

    Personally, I love PLR. I have tons of it, just as I’m sure most of us do. The key, however, (at least as far as I’ve discovered) is to change it up and/or re-purpose it. If it’s an article/ebook, make an audio. If it’s an audio, make it a video. Perhaps you could put it on a disc and sell it as a physical product. The key is to make it different. Too many people buy products, just put their names on them, and wonder why they don’t make any money. PLR can work if you use it correctly.

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  • #548

    Bob Moore

    One thing I’m learning rather quickly is that if you want to have that time available, you need to outsource the trivial tasks that eat up so much of your time. I don’t know of too many people who have made it in this industry who are taking on every single task themselves. I’m sure there are some who do because of the control factor. I think delegating is one of the answers to your question. It’s one of those things that some consider an expense, but those who do it correctly swear that it’s an investment. Just something to think about.

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  • #434

    Bob Moore

    The best advice I could give to answer that question is to have a mentor. As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Follow in the footsteps of someone who has been where you want to go and has achieved the things you want to achieve. That being said, Sean is as good a choice as you could make, but you have to follow someone you like and believe in. I think the reason so many people flounder in this industry is they try to do everything themselves or want to figure it all out on their own. That’s why people burn out so fast. I hope that helps.

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  • #341

    Bob Moore

    I would hazard a guess that there are a multitude of marketers who are in two, three, or 12 niches. You’re perfectly fine. Just don’t spread yourself too thin.

    You want people to see you as an authority in a niche or two, but if you’re all over the internet you may lose some credibility.

    Focus on one or two niches and become an expert in each.

    Experts always tell you to focus on what you know. This is true to an extent. For example, my wife and I love cooking, jam making, and wine. Can we make a living in any of those niches? Probably. Would any one of them be the focus of my business? Probably not. That’s just me. I like to focus on one ginormous niche or many smaller ones that will not only make me money, but also help others realize their dreams.

    But swing for the fences. Go for health, wealth, and relationships. There are so many sub-niches there that you’ll never be lacking.

    To your success,

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  • #340

    Bob Moore

    Hi Willie,

    What I learned quite a while ago was that there is no magic bullet and you have to put in the work. Sean will be a great teacher for you. I know it sounds like a cliche, but you really do need to just take action.

    I’m getting to that point in my IM career right now. It’s taken me a long time to realize that I need to quit keep watching tutorial videos and actually do something. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be furthering your IM education. You absolutely should. But what I learned the hard way is learning doesn’t mean earning.

    It’s okay to keep watching those tutorials, but if you don’t do anything, nothing is going to change. Take it from me. I think I’ve watched a billion hours of tutorials. It’s time to put them into action.

    Follow Sean’s teaching, follow the advice of the people here, take action, and you’ll be on the right road. I’m getting there myself. We all are.

    You’ve got a great support group here. Use it. Share what you’re doing just as I’ll share what I’m doing.

    All the best,

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  • #332

    Bob Moore

    Hello all,

    I’m really excited to be here. I’ve been following Sean for a while, and I think this is really the thing that is going to change the game for me. I’ve been “dabbling” in internet marketing for more years than I care to admit. So what’s been the problem? I guess it’s the same as it is for so many others. I get caught up in the next big thing, learning and learning, but I’m not implementing.

    “Oh, here’s another really cool course/software/plugin. Let’s buy it and pretend we’re moving forward by going through the tutorial videos 17 times.” Accountability is something I definitely need. Without it, I’ll keep spinning my wheels and fooling myself thinking I’m making progress. I feel I have the knowledge. I’m just missing the kick in the backside to get moving. I know I have all the “toys” I need to get started.

    I guess it’s just a matter of thinking like a marketer and not like a buyer.

    This group came along at the right time. I’m hoping to finally break the shackles of inactivity and make some really great friends in the process. That’s the long and the short of it for right now, Folks.

    Let’s all do this together. Onward and upward.

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